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GridWise Alliance Calls on Congress to Invest $50 Billion in the Nation’s Electric Grid
The electricity sector can be the engine to drive post-covid-19 recovery with the support of significant federal investment and industry collaboration.
Washington D.C. – December 17, 2020 – Today, the GridWise Alliance, released its comprehensive “Policy Framework for Grid Investments in Economic Recovery”, which specifically outlines the need for $50 billion in federal spending for grid modernization. This figure, a doubling from initial calls in September for $25 billion, highlights significant increases in infrastructure and manufacturing investments to help the country meet ambitious climate goals, build resilience, secure the grid against malicious attacks, and replace aging infrastructure.

“The diverse GridWise membership led our industry’s voice in 2009 to help quickly deliver investments from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) into the economy,” said Gil C. Quiniones, GridWise Alliance Board Chair. “Together, as we did before, GridWise is shining the spotlight on the accelerated need to enhance grid flexibility, increase utility communication systems, and train our workforce for digital, high tech grid jobs.”

The “Policy Framework in Grid Investments for Economic Recovery” offers a list of guiding principles focused on how and where federal investments should flow, which stakeholders are most prepared to effectively distribute these funds, and how to protect consumers and narrow the digital divide. Seven segments of recommendations outline the most critical systems in need of immediate federal investment, including:

  1. Deployment of technologies to enhance grid flexibility       
  2. Deployment of technologies to enhance grid integration of buildings and vehicles
  3. Cybersecurity technology and workforce
  4. Section 48c manufacturing tax credit
  5. Utility communications
  6. Grid Resilience
  7. Workforce development

“I applaud the efforts of our Policy Council, a GridWise member-led committee, for finding consensus around these seven segments and affirming them through stakeholder outreach,” said GridWise Alliance CEO Steve Hauser. “We call on Congress to utilize these recommendations and include significant funding for grid modernization in any infrastructure package designed to stimulate the economy and create jobs.” 

For more information about the GridWise Alliance, please visit:
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