Hello Carl, |
We have some news, and we want you to be one of the first to know. |
As 10:10 approaches its tenth birthday, we’ve been thinking a lot about all we need to achieve in the next decade. |
As the UN’s climate scientists told the world last October, what we do in the 2020s matters if we want to keep to 1.5°C global warming. It matters a lot. We’re going to have to radically change how we live our lives like nothing we’ve seen before. |
To help us meet this challenge, we’re going to be making some changes at the 10:10 Foundation. |
We’re going to keep that same can-do attitude which has always been at the core of our work. We’re also keeping our focus on community action. But we’re ramping up our ambition, and going to be louder about pushing others to be more ambitious too. |
We’re going to be focusing our work into five key challenges, all areas we know the public can play a role in speeding up action: |
- Cleaning up energy |
- Working with nature. |
- Changing how we travel. |
- Changing what we eat and buy. |
- Talking about the climate crisis. |
For each of these challenges, we’re going to be sharing a range of actions people can take on their own, actions to take with others, and ways to help unlock larger change. These will include the sort of big, bold, eye-catching and adventurous ideas we’ve become famous for, like solar railways and heat pumps under parks, as well as a new actions blog full of advice for ramping up not only your own climate ambition but everyone elses. |
We’re also going to take the opportunity to change our name. From October 10th we’re going to be called Possible. |
10:10 was a brilliant name for a campaign (we asked people to cut their carbon by 10% in 2010, if you don’t remember that far back...) but it was never a great fit for an organisation. For a charity like ours, with our eyes squarely on the future, we can’t have a name that looks back to a decade’s old campaign. |
We think this new name fits our stubborn optimism. Community owned solar railways? Possible. Lift the ban on onshore wind? Possible. Car free cities? Possible. More than triple our government’s tree-planting targets? Possible. |
We're excited about what we think we can achieve in the next decade, but we can’t do any of it without you. Our supporters have always been the greatest instigators and champions of climate action; starting conversations, sharing advice, inspiring others, bugging politicians, and spotting opportunities. It's only with your support we’ll have the impact we need. |
Together, we will show what is Possible. |
Will you help make sure we get this next bit right? |
Skye, our new digital comms officer is rebuilding the website. She’s keen to hear what you love and don’t love about the current one. Fill in this survey, to give your feedback. |
Have your say on our new website |
Matt, our creative lead, is working on a Possible logo and visual identity. He’s got a few options in mind and could do with your feedback. If you’d like a sneak peek and are up for letting him know what you think, he’s all ears. |
Help us create a new look and logo |
And Hannah, our supporter engagement officer, is keen to hear stories of what climate action you’ve made possible over the last 10 years, with 10:10 or on your own. What have you been up to? |
Tell us what being a 10:10er has meant to you |
Thanks for being part of the 10:10 story so far. We can’t wait to see what we’ll do together as Possible. |
Alice Bell. |
Director of communications |
PS - If anyone wants one of our old 10:10 tags we have a few left in the office and will post you some in exchange for a donation. First come, first served! |