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14ers Sign Up Information

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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to 14ers.

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Dear Jon,
Another whirlwind of a year has come to a close. In the month of December, CFI received more than 1,000 individual donations. These generous contributions have helped us set a new, all-time record for individual giving! As Lloyd and I have been writing personalized messages on each and every thank you letter, I've had plenty of time to reflect. 

I care a lot about our mission here at CFI. Protecting the fragile alpine plants and preserving the natural integrity of the state's iconic 14ers for future generations inspires me to work harder every day. But as I've witnessed the outpouring of support from our volunteers and donors, I truly understand just how important the people, like you, are to our cause.

We are sincerely grateful for everything that the 14er community does to better our organization and the Fourteeners. Thank you. 

Wishing you a new year full of good health and adventure!


Brian Sargeant
Development and Communications Manager

 Annual and Year-End Reports

With help from a couple of all-star volunteers, CFI staff mailed nearly 4,000 annual and end-of-season reports to donors all across the nation this December. To the right, our 2018 Annual Report dives deeper into the achievements in the field, highlights new projects on the horizon, and breaks down our financials. Below, the 2019 Year-End Report provides some fun stats from this summer. If you didn't receive a copy of the reports in the mail, you can view the electronic versions on our website.

Matching Endowment Campaign

Earlier this fall, CFI launched the "25 for 25" endowment campaign. Current and former CFI Directors committed a $25,000 challenge pool to be used to match the first $25,000 in donations received to CFI's "General Endowment". So far, the campaign has raised $22,000 - only $3,000 short of our goal! 

This means there are still some matching funds available in the challenge pool. If you're interested in contributing, your gift of $25, $250, $2,500 - or whatever amount feels right for you - will be matched, dollar for dollar, to help kickstart the general endowment. This fund will spin off money every year (usually 5% of the endowment's total value) to provide stability for CFI's on-going operations in the years and decades ahead. 

Donate today to help us close the gap and unlock the final matching funds.

Avalanche Safety Videos

Colorado has more avalanche fatalities annually than any other state in the country, so knowing how to minimize risks is vital in backcountry travel over snow. Learn what steps you can take to be safe while enjoying all the 14ers have to offer.  Cruise over to our YouTube channel to see our avalanche safety and other educational videos! Don't forget to check the avalanche forecast before heading out
Colorado Fourteeners Initiative
1600 Jackson Street, Suite 205
Golden, Colorado 80401

Colorado Fourteeners Initiative, 1600 Jackson Street, Suite 205, Golden, CO 80401
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Comment by: admin
Comment on: 01/09/2020