Dear Missions-Minded Friends,
Happy Palm Sunday to you all.
I've been very encouraged today as we celebrate the triumphal entry of Christ. It reminds me of the pattern seen in Scripture in the Lord's last days on earth: triumph, followed by deep sadness and loss, leading to an even greater triumph!
I take heart in this pattern, and it gives me optimism for the future. For example, our international missions team ended last year with a sense of victory and with great plans for growth in 2020. Now, in the midst of this time of global pain and uncertainty, even our best laid plans for the year have been drastically changed and some have been cancelled.
Nonetheless, I am already seeing signs that great triumph is around the corner, though certainly different than what we had previously envisioned.
Your ACTION missionaries, after taking the necessary precautions to safeguard their own families, have adjusted to the new realities and limitations around the world and are finding fresh ways to share the Gospel and compassionate care in their communities. Our God's creative force is in us and will not be stopped!
This edition of Snapshots will give you a glimpse into the ways ACTION is adapting to ministry in a world that has dramatically changed. So many people around the globe are facing fear, illness, unemployment, and hunger - without the security and comfort of Christ! More than ever, it is time for us to live up to our motto: "Know God. Take Action."
Thank you for continuing to support your missionaries and their labor of love for our Savior. If we can pray for you in any way, please don't hesitate to be in touch. We are very grateful that you're part of our team.
Yours in our Triumphant Lord,

Brian Stewart
Director, ACTION USA
Robert & Silvana Meikle in Brazil write, "During this time of emergency, we have been able to give food packets to 200 families. We are sharing the Gospel and God's love through this project. Each packet contains rice, beans, vegetable oil, pasta, flour, powdered milk, and several other staple items. This is nothing extravagant, but it is a big help to these families. We hope to raise more funds to help even more people."
Dr. Gary Rieben and his faculty have had to divide up their 250 Bible students into groups of fewer than 100 due to virus restrictions. The Doctrine of Salvation class is spreading hope among these leaders.
During the nationwide lock-down, our team is delivering food to the elderly in cities across the island. We are also providing cash gifts to pastors so they can care for their families and congregations.
The Milhomems minister to 25 families in one of the townships. Even if people have money, they must walk 5 kilometers to the market. The Milhomem's team is providing two month's food to each family.