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How Accelo helped this business cut costs by 30%

A majority of agencies operate on a "churn-and-burn" model, but Impress!ve Digital - a leading boutique digital marketing agency in Melbourne - aimed to be different. The company focused on building long-term relationships by providing quantifiable results and has since gone on to serve 100 clients while increasing their headcount to 50 employees. 

Brett Gorlin, the Operations Manager at Impress!ve Digital, used several tools that were meant to make operations run seamlessly, but he quickly found that it did the exact opposite as there were too many disparate systems to manage. Brett began his search for a new solution and found Accelo through a Google search. 

"By the end of the day, I realized Accelo was so far ahead of any other option I had on my list," Brett recalls. "Rather than running the other seven bits of software that we were running, I now had a solution that included everything - Sales, Retainers, Projects, Service, and ServOps. Accelo gave us the entire thing."

To learn how Accelo helped Impress!ve Digital increase accuracy in their workload and cut costs by 30%, read the entire case study:

Read Full Case Study

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Comment on: 01/09/2020