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Dear William,

I'm writing to share with you my thoughts on the passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family. 

Americans United for Life is grateful for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's contributions as an advocate prior to being a judge, in bringing down legal barriers to women's advancement in American society. We are deeply saddened by her death, particularly at this moment in our nation's history.

Justice Ginsburg's reputation will regrettably forever be deeply contentious due to her anti-life jurisprudence. While Justice Ginsburg will remain an icon for millions of Americans, she will also remain a lightning rod akin to Chief Justice Roger Taney. What Taney's Dred Scott decision was in his time, Roe and its jurisprudence of violence remain in our own time.

Abortion is understood for what it is by millions of Americans for its cruelty and violence. Future generations will not smile on the culture of indifference toward human life that Justice Ginsburg perpetuated for women who deserve better.

Justice Ginsburg sought to use sex discrimination law to impose an oppressive unlimited abortion regime across a land conceived in liberty. Abortion doesn't contribute to women's happiness, and abortion isn't necessary for women to succeed. Hopefully the next Justice, and the new majority on the Court, will clean up the tragic mess of abortion law, and its negative impact on women and the nomination process, that Justice Ginsburg did so much to perpetuate.

We are confident that the President will nominate a constitutionalist committed to upholding the deepest values of our Republic. We look forward to vigorously supporting the nomination of a successor who will uphold the most fundamental right our government can guarantee: the human right to life.

Catherine Glenn Foster, M.A., J.D.
President & CEO
Americans United for Life

Americans United for Life works toward the day when all are welcomed throughout life and protected in law. Consider supporting our mission of service.

Copyright ? Americans United for Life, All Rights Reserved.
You are receiving this as a supporter of Americans United for Life, having opted in on our website or at our events.

Americans United for Life
1150 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036

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Comment on: 01/09/2020