We’re pleased to announce the launch of a new report, I, Human: The digital and soft skills driving Canada’s labour market.
At work we’re often expected to possess a suite of skills from many domains simultaneously, including digital literacy, teamwork, social, and communication skills, as well as judgment, problem-solving, and creativity. These skill sets are often described in general terms and little is known about the current—let alone the future—landscape of employer demand for specific skills or combinations of skills.
Using job postings data collected by Burning Glass Technologies from January 2012 to December 2018 containing 13,000 unique skills, this report develops a new, demand-driven taxonomy for understanding the full spectrum of digital skills and uncovers the specific digital and non-digital skills that employers in Canada are seeking. We aim to help inform the efforts of policymakers, educators and training organizations, as well as the decisions of students and job seekers looking to understand which skill combinations are likely to serve them best in the job market.
This work is made possible thanks to Burning Glass Technologies, with support from the Ontario Association of Continuing Education and School Board Administrators (CESBA) and Desire2Learn (D2L).
Read this report to help you:
Understand and categorize a broad spectrum of digital skills
Identify which digital skills are most in demand across Canada
Identify trends related to which combinations of digital and non-digital skills employers are looking for
Design skill development policies and programs that reflect trends in employer demand