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Catholic Speakers Sign Up Information

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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Catholic Speakers.

Hello Jon,

Thank you for reaching out to We are proud to have become the world's largest Catholic speakers bureau and because of good people like you, we have created the most visited and trusted resource for Catholic speakers on the internet.  We want to thank you for taking the time to reach out to us and want express our sincere gratitude for the good work that you do and message that you spread.

We ask your patience and thank you ahead of time as we have hundreds of submissions that we are in the process of vetting.  Please answer the following questions as precisely and as accurate as you can. Please understand that each question has been specifically used for our purposes of determining where you are with your speaking career and what we will need to do to best work with you.  Please reply to each question as directly and concisely as possible.

1) What religious denomination are you? (optional)  

If you claim Catholic, please provide a letter of good standing attached to your reply email.

2) How many years have you been speaking / performing?

3) How many times a year are you asked to do paid speaking events / performances?

4) What on average is the fee you request for a one-hour talk or single performance?

5) What was the largest conference or event you have spoken/performed at?  Name the event and amount of people attended.

6) Please provide the contact names, numbers and emails to the 3 largest events you have spoken/performed at for our reference purposes to contact and get feedback.  

7) Do you have a website?  If so, please provide it here and include how many hits it receives per month.

8) What would you consider to be your expertise or strongest speaking topic?

Thank you and God Bless,

Joe Higgins
Vice President of Operations
(513) 214-1534 /
Follow us on Social Media:

On Wed, Nov 13, 2019 at 1:52 AM Catholic Speakers Organization <> wrote:

The following person would like to become a speaker:

Name: Jon

Email: @

Phone: 07970317937

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Comment on: 01/09/2020