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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Chakrapani Ayurveda.

Corona viruses are a group of viruses that affects respiratory system causing various respiratory disorders. Present outbreak is found to be due to a group of viruses called novel Corona Virus (nCoV).Spread of this virus can happen from animals to man and from man to man.

. Fever
. Cough
. Sore throat
. Headache
. Shortness of breath
. Bronchitis
. Pneumonia

In Ayurvedic classics, it has been mentioned about Aupasargika Rogas i.e. communicable & contagious diseases in which it has been said that it can be transmitted by touch or breath, or by means of close contacts like partaking of the same bed, and eating and drinking out of the same vessel with him, or through using the wearing apparel, unguents and garlands of flowers previously used by a person afflicted with this dreadful disease. In Ayurveda there is a term called "Srotas" i.e Channel or paths which carry vital nutrients to various organs. The Srotas also acts as one of the important factors in pathogenesis of diseases, as it is said that diseases are caused because of the obstruction in the Srotas. Pranavahasrotas (respiratory system) gets vitiated because of various reasons like Raja (dust particles which are visible or may not visible, containing viruses), Dhuma (smoke containing air pollutants) Sheetasthana (cold Environment). These particles when enters through mouth and nose develops disease like kasa (cough), Shwas (Breathing problems like cough or throat irritation), pratishaya (Running or stuffy nose) which are similar to that of? corona virus.

Preventive Measures : Covid 19/Corona Virus
. Use of surgical mask or N95 respirator mask to safeguard from exposure to virus.
. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
. Always cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief or tissue while coughing or sneezing.
. Avoid close contact with persons having any infection or disease.
. While greeting someone, try to greet them with Namaste instead of shaking hands.
. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
. Traveling to another city or country has to avoid unless it's an unavoidable trip.
. Avoid places with large crowds like festivals, movie theaters, shopping malls etc until there is a decline in spread of the virus
. Intake healthy foods and drinks. Always keep yourself hydrated.

Some preventive measures in Ayurveda
. Boosting your immunity can prevent any infection to some extent. Rasayanas like Chyavanaprash, Brahma rasayana, Vasa avaleha are beneficial to improve immunity.
. Various preparations of Giloy- Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) like swarasa (juice)/ guduchi kwath (decoction)/ guduchi churna / samshamani tablet can be taken twice daily as a preventive medicine.
. Daily intake of Tulsi ginger tea is good.
. Intake of food processed with turmeric, cinnamon, elaichi, black pepper should be consumed daily.
. Nasal application of Anu oil/any oil/ any ghee can be done daily.
. Gargle with lukewarm water processed with turmeric and rock salt.
. Hand wash with lemon and hot water frequently will work as a sanitizer.
. Dhoopana (Fumigation) can be done in homes with Guggulu/vacha/agaru/jatamansi/ hawanchurna/ Lobanas a mode of disinfection.

To read Web version of this newsletter please click here

Chakrapani Ayurveda Clinic & Research Center,
8, Diamond hill, Behind Birla Temple, Tulsi circle, Shanti path,
Jaipur-302004, India.
Telefax : +91-141-2624003
Phone: +91-141-2620746

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Comment on: 01/09/2020