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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to childfund.

Please watch this video Matthew
ChildFund Australia
Jenny is in the fight of her life as she battles poverty and illness

Dear Matthew,

Jenny* is just like any other 6-year-old - cheeky and fun-loving. But unlike many children her age, Jenny is spending her childhood battling life-threatening disease. Jenny has tuberculosis (TB).

The impact of infectious diseases like TB, polio and measles cannot be underestimated. Battling illness at such a young age not only poses a risk to a child’s health, but it can have a long-term impact. For children like Jenny, it can mean a disruption to their education and the chance to break the cycle of poverty.

Now, children and families in Papua New Guinea face a new threat to their health and wellbeing: COVID-19.

I encourage you to watch the video and see what life is like for Jenny as she fights both poverty and illness.
Click to watch the video to see what ife is like for Jenny as she fights both poverty and illness.
Sadly, Jenny's story is not unique. Diseases like TB can spread like wildfire in Papua New Guinea's capital of Port Moresby, where immunisation rates are low and many people live in overcrowded settlements with poor sanitation.
Preventing the spread of infectious disease is absolutely crucial if we are to keep children like Jenny safe, especially during these times of crisis. We can’t do it without your support Matthew.

Your donation can help provide children like Jenny with crucial healthcare to protect them from COVID-19 and other deadly infectious disease.

Yours gratefully,
P.S. Please give generously this tax time and help protect vulnerable children from infectious disease.

(All donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible)
Your donation will go to where it has the most impact. Examples include:
Education & Training
Education & Training - $70
Could provide training and education for more health workers.
Outreach Clinics
Outreach Clinics - $140
Could go towards bringing outreach clinics to remote regions.
Upgrade Facilities
Upgrade Facilities - $250
Could go towards upgrading health clinic facilities.
*Names have been changed to protect individuals' identities.
ChildFund Australia
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You have received this email because of your generous support of children through ChildFund Australia.

Supporter: Matthew Hernandez?
Your Supporter Number is: LEAD763585

Our mailing address is: ChildFund Australia Level 8, 162 Goulburn Street Surry Hills, NSW, 2010, AU

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Comment by: admin
Comment on: 01/09/2020