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Chipper CI Sign Up Information

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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Chipper CI.

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You''re receiving this because you signed up to hear about (or are a user of) Chipper CI. If that''s not interesting to you any longer, definitely feel free to unsubscribe!

Since around March, we''ve been working on re-building Chipper CI''s build system. COVID hit and slowed this *way* down, but we''ve finally pushed it out into production!

The new build system is much less naive than our original solution, and will serve as a great platform to build more advanced features.

What''s this mean for you?

Everything should work exactly the same, but better:

  1. It''s faster: due to the next 2 items, but also because Golang is magic
  2. It''s smarter: there''s less competition for resources
  3. It''s bigger: we''re able to allocate more resources per build
  4. There''s color: The output can do color. It''s the future, everyone.

?? There are a lot more interesting details to this - read more about the new build system here if you''re interested!

Want to try it out?

We''re slowly moving Chipper CI teams onto the new system. If you''d like to try it out, reply here and let us know!

if you request access, here''s what you can expect:

  1. We''ll let you know when you''ve been added to the new build system
  2. You''ll then run a build ... it''ll work just like before (how boring!). Some tasks will likely be a bit faster.
  3. You''ll run another build and the cache will make it even faster. Yay!

If the experience isn''t at least *a little* boring, you should let us know! Everything should work just like before, but a hopefully faster.

Is it stable?

Yes! We''ve worked out all the kinks we could find. We''ve had it in production usage for a good deal of time. Of course, there could still be some bugs. Luckily, rolling your team back into the older build system is super easy.

We haven''t seen any issues come up recently (hence this email), but after a bit more testing in coming weeks, we''ll begin rolling everyone into the new build system.

Let us know if you''d like to try it out!

- David & Chris

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Comment by: admin
Comment on: 01/09/2020