Dear Jackson,
Interested in the Kickstart Scheme but don't have 30 placements? CIWM could help.
This year, thousands of workers have been furloughed or lost their jobs as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Hospitality and retail sectors, which traditionally employ a lot of young people, have been particularly badly affected. On top of that, more than 700,000 more people are leaving education and entering the labour market during this extremely difficult time. As a result, there are already more than 800,000 under-24-year-olds receiving Universal Credit, many of whom are currently out of work.
In response to this, the government recently announced a new Kickstart Scheme as part of a broader plan to protect jobs and livelihoods in the UK.
The scheme, which is a first of its kind, presents a valuable opportunity for the resources and waste sector to support the UK's recovery from the pandemic by helping young people to get into work.
It is also a unique opportunity to promote the resources and waste sector as a stimulating, innovative and progressive place to work and to highlight the positive contribution that professionals in this field make towards resource efficiency, protecting the environment and mitigating the effects of climate change.
By creating opportunities to attract new talent to our sector, businesses and organisations will be investing in the future of the profession, as well as giving something back at a time when it is needed most.
In order to support this initiative and facilitate access to the scheme for smaller employers, CIWM is offering to act on behalf of the resources sector as a Kickstart gateway.
About the Kickstart Scheme
How does Kickstart work?
The Kickstart Scheme is designed to be a stepping-stone to further employment for those who are currently out of work. Eligible young people will be offered six-month work placements, for at least 25 hours a week, to help them gain vital experience, skills and confidence. The government aims to have the first placements on offer from November and the scheme will run until at least December 2021, covering the whole of the UK.
Who will it help?
Anyone aged between 16 and 24 who is out-of-work and claiming Universal Credit may be eligible. Jobcentre staff will identify people at risk of long-term unemployment to refer to the scheme and Jobcentre work coaches will support candidates before and after their placement.
Who is paying?
The government will fund each Kickstart job, paying 100% of the age-relevant National Minimum Wage, National Insurance and pension contributions for a 25-hour a week. Employers can choose to top-up this pay or extend the working hours if they wish. The government is also offering employers ?1,500 to pay towards the cost of creating these roles and the support and training for those taking part.
What do firms need to do?
employers with 30+ Kickstart roles available can register their interest here. Employers offering fewer than 30 roles can apply through a Kickstart gateway, such as CIWM.
What is a kickstart gateway?
A Kickstart Scheme application must be for a minimum of 30 job placements. As many employers will not be able to create this many job placements, an organisation, such as a trade body, can act as a Kickstart gateway, collating positions from different organisations into one application, meaning smaller businesses can also help give back through the scheme.
You can find further details about the Kickstart Scheme on the .GOV website.
To progress with our plans to act as a Kickstart gateway, we first need to confirm how many organisations would access the scheme via CIWM and how many roles they would be able to offer.
If your organisation would like CIWM to act as a Kickstart gateway on its behalf, please email
by Friday 23 October with the following details:
Organisation name
Contact name, telephone number and email address
Provided we receive the required number of positions to move forward, it will be our pleasure to help the resource sector give back by facilitating access to the Kickstart Scheme.
CWIM Professional Development Team