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Climate Fieldview Sign Up Information

Last Updated:
8/5/2019 3
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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Climate Fieldview.

How You Can Use FieldViewT as You Help Farmers Navigate After Derecho

The week of Aug. 10 saw fast-moving storms that traveled across the Midwest causing significant crop, stored grain and property damage. The hardest hit state was Iowa, with about 10 million tillable acres affected out of the 22 million acres that were planted this year, and approximately five million, or 25%, of those acres will potentially have insurance claims on them. For you, this year's harvest will be even more demanding as you help your impacted farmer customers address claims as well as determine how to navigate damaged fields at harvest.

How FieldView can help:

Insurance Claims

The derecho has created a significant amount of crop insurance claims for affected farmers. Here are ways FieldView can help you aid your farmers in providing what's needed for their insurance provider:

  • Generate reports for historical yield to provide a benchmark for what a field typically produces and show difference in this year vs. prior years

  • Provide planting data to compare to harvest data

  • Show the insurance provider the outcome of initial harvesting on impacted fields in order to determine if the provider will require additional impacted acres to be harvested

  • Use satellite imagery to determine impacted areas

  • Call on our team (field representatives and Customer Support) to help navigate getting the data farmers need as well as helping farmers understand how to generate reports they need for insurance claims

Farmers will still need to get boots on the ground for inspections to authorize no-harvest claims, but the analysis FieldView can provide for reporting will be key during this time.


Here's how FieldView can help you aid your farmers in harvesting impacted fields:

  • Use imagery to see what areas are harvestable, as well as prioritize fields by looking at which areas are turning brown

  • For farmers who also subscribe to one of our drone imagery partners, look at drone imagery maps to assess field conditions and compare other key map layers, such as planting data

  • Drop scouting pins and include photos and notes to mark areas that are or are not harvestable, and what conditions are present

We will also be reaching out to impacted farmer customers with push and in-app messaging as well as a follow up email with more details on how FieldView can help them as they navigate insurance claims and a challenging harvest.

If you have any questions, please contact your Regional Account Advisor at (888) 924-7475 or

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? 2020 The Climate Corporation.
The recommendations in this newsletter are based upon the specific details noted in the article and should be used only as a quick reference for information on the topics covered. The content of this newsletter should not be substituted for the professional opinion of an agronomist, pathologist and similar professional dealing with the specific?field.

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