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Cogo Capital Sign Up Information

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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Cogo Capital.

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Company Logo
Hi. my name is Lee Arnold and I'm the founder of The Lee Arnold?

System of Real Estate Investing. ?I wanted to take a moment and say?

hello and thank you for requesting what could be the most important,?

life-changing information you have ever received.


Look, whether you are brand new or a seasoned pro, what I am about?

to reveal to you will be a game changer. ?


And I promise it's like nothing you have heard before (which is a lesson?

in and of itself) but you can be assured that I have tested every idea,?

every strategy in my own business. ?You see I started investing in real?

estate 20 years ago, at the tender age of 19, - since then, I have?

experienced the extreme highs and extreme lows of the market (I've?

known what it's like to buy whatever I want, whenever I want AND I've?

known what it's like to only have two nickels to rub together) - meaning?

no matter where you are right now, I guarantee, I've been there! Because?

of this, I'm in a unique position to guide you through this market and?

show you where the hidden pockets of wealth are. ?I've been showing?

people this for years either on stage, in webinars, or through books.


Before we get started though let me ask you a question..?As an
educator and facilitator of private money, what is our?#1 priority
for you?


Think about your answer. ?Only .01% of those that I ask this question?

ever get it right. ?Give it a shot - those that get this right also are in?

the top 1% of income earners.


Which reminds me, here's what my top 1% income earners what you?

can expect from me and our working?relationship..?


I do a lot of webinar trainings. I have found that is the best way to?

share these ideas and strategies. ?If I could impart any useable?

wisdom in 5 minutes or less in just an email, I would love to, but?

the fact is that it usually takes 60-90 minutes to teach just one of?

the hundreds of business changing ideas that I have to share with?



I will let you know via email before each of the trainings so you have?

time to add it to your calendar. ?I'm also a prolific emailer. I know,?

I know--you're actually audibly groaning right now. But what I have?

to share with you is so important and so worthwhile you will thank?

me for my many, MANY emails. Seriously, we have clients who love?

getting our daily emails. ?


The truth is, I love what I do and I believe I've tapped into what the?

business of real estate is all about. It's called the Circle of Wealth and?

I invite anyone and everyone, regardless of their income bracket, to?

join me in this closely knit community of investors and producers of?

wealth. All you need to do to join is have the willingness to learn and?

to serve by giving back what you've learned. But I'll talk more about?

that in my next email.?

? ?

Sound fair? ?GOOD!






I am going to guess that you get a lot of emails. ?Some grab your?

attention and some get lost by the wayside.?


I need your attention! ?This is the only way that I can help you change?

your business and change your life.?


So please take a moment and do the following:

1. Add my email address into your contacts inside your email account. ?

This way, when you type 'Lee' my email address will pop up and you can?

send me any of your questions. ?And more importantly, it will keep my?

communication to you going into your primary folder

2. Especially if you are a Gmail user or another provider that segments?

your emails, be sure to drag any emails from me to your priority inbox.

3. Take 2 seconds and join?

this is our secondary means of communication outside of email PLUS you?

get to talk with other active investors who are already participating in the?

Circle of Wealth.


This is important, to ensure that you receive everything you requested, for?

me to provide massive value for you and your business, and so that you?

have the opportunity to join me for these special upcoming trainings. ?


We will talk again soon,

Lee Arnold


PS - Do you know why most people never even do their first deal-hint:?

the answer is NOT a lack of cash. in fact it may surprise you, but it will?

also probably resonate with you as well. ?I'll give you the answer tomorrow,?

but for now I just want you to think about what our #1 priority for you is?

at The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing. Sleep on it and I'll get?

to you tomorrow.?



?ANNOUNCEMENT:?Are You In the Academy?

Did you know that you can get every educational program,

every homestudy course, every product, every strategy session,

every eClass, every call, every marketing tutorial, every eBook

written, every pearl of great wisdom spouted... EVER?


Get involved in the Lee Arnold Real Estate Academy here:?


If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below:
701 E. Front Ave., 2nd Flr
Coeur d''Alene, Idaho 83814
United States
(800) 558-6092

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER. We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent our products and services and their potential for income. Earning and Income statements made by our company and its customers are supplied directly from the company or customer. Any and all claims or representations as to income earnings made on our web sites or in our materials or information are not to be considered as average earnings. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income - in fact, most people do not - and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual.

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Comment on: 01/09/2020