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Membership Emails
Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Day Zero Project.
Congratulations on being the newest member of Day Zero Project!
It's time to get started...
Hopefully you are already underway with your project - adding goals, making lists, and researching things to do.
Day Zero offers a lot of fun ways to get motivated to set and accomplish your goals:
• Take a look at our members' Wall of Achievements!
• Check out the Top 101 Things our members want to do
• Look through our Places list to find things to do around the World
• Play with the Idea Finder
There are some very exciting new additions coming to the website soon!
Day Zero Project is run by a small team with big ambitions and we need your help :)
• Like us Day Zero Project on Facebook
• Follow us @dayzero on Twitter
• Share your lists with your friends so that they can help to keep you motivated.
• Add photos to your goals as you achieve them - it's a great way to inspire others.
Your support is very much appreciated - and thanks for being part of the project.
Happy goal setting!
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