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Yoga News

The world has been put on pause as we deal with our current reality - and at the same time, look to and prepare for a new future. We reevaluate, reassess, and look to new ways to connect and move forward, both within and without.

So far, I''ve been using this time to catch up and to learn - and to take an even closer look at what makes our yoga valuable, and even essential to us.

Before the current situation unfolded, I was in Pennsylvania at the Himalayan Institute, spending days recording a video course for Yoga International on the History and Philosophy of Yoga. (It is just now available)

It struck me then, as I was going through the material, and strikes me even more now, that yoga was born in times of crisis and upheaval.

Both its birth and its times of richest growth and progress were times when the older practices did not quite measure up to the needs of the time - which led to new thinking and new innovations, new practices and new realizations.

Not long after the filming of the course, I - along with the rest of the world - found myself sequestered at home because of the virus outbreak. I choose to see it as a practice of ahimsa or non-harming by which we are seeking not to spread harm unwittingly, as well as an act of protection - of ourselves and our loved ones from harm - through what is essentially an act of renunciation for the greater good.

This too shall pass, and we will all rebuild and support one another, with new eyes and new values after this period of austerity.

This has also given me a chance to catch up on things I have wanted to do for a long time.

My first act was to redo my web site - now making it not only more user-friendly, but also making it a platform where I can share with you from afar, especially in the form of video.

In the coming weeks I will start posting videos, both

  • of asana practices (people who have attended my trainings have long asked how to have an experience of how I would just teach a class - time didn''t fully allow that in the trainings), and
  • of guided meditations based upon classic texts of meditation techniques - principally the tantric text, the Vijnanabhairava. Each session will have a short introduction, giving you a sense of the philosophy behind it, and an appreciation of the purpose of the meditation - how it brings you into the experience.
  • Videos of some webinars that I have done are also available, touching upon some topics of yoga therapy as well as a webinar on the Bhagavad-Gita.

These will be available through the ''Videos'' link in the menu at the top of the page.

I''m also announcing here that the Yoga International course is now available - and with the rollout of the course, it''s available until April 23rd at a greatly reduced price (use the discount code YHP50).

The course is done in manageable pieces of 20 to 40 minutes per segment, and overall it earns you 12 CEU hours with Yoga Alliance. See below for more details!

I wish you peace and safety during these times, and protection from hardship!

- Doug Keller

01 | See Our Services

Yoga History and Philosophy

The Yoga International course on Yoga History and Philosophy is now available! You can preview it here, and also see a preview at

The course gives you the ''big picture'' of the history of Yoga Philosophy, from the Vedas up to modern times, with an approach to understanding the development of these ideas and practices in a way that is hard to find anywhere else!


02 | View the Gallery

New and Improved Responsive Web Site

I''ve improved my web site to make it not only more attractive, but also to make it a platform for sharing learning resources:

?practice videos (coming)

guided meditation videos with short explanations of the text and practices - including some pranayama

recorded webinars on therapeutic topics

and also the 22 published magazine articles available for free download

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Douglas Keller
DoYoga Productions
43601 Wembley Lane
South Riding, VA 20152

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Comment on: 01/09/2020