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Issue 14 . Oct. 29, 2020

Wolf Spider: Friend or Foe?

Ranging in size from a half inch to more than two inches, these large, hairy spiders may fuel nightmares in some people.

Read Here >

How Nature Helped One Woman Find Herself

"For all that cancer took, nature gave me back in moments of stunning beauty, breathless wonder and laughter - lots of laughter. I found my sense of humor again walking the trails."

Read Here >

Dark-eyed juncos are a sure sign that winter is on the way. 

Nicknamed snowbirds, juncos are sparrow-sized birds that usually arrive in October and depart in April. They are a flocking species, so in winter it's not uncommon to see 15-20 juncos feeding together on the ground below your bird feeder. Their seeds of choice are white millet, cracked corn, and black-oil sunflower seeds.
Our Board of Commissioners
Daniel Hebreard, President
Marsha Murphy, District 1 . Jeffrey Redick, District 2 . Linda Painter, District 3
Tim Whelan, District 4 . Mary Lou Wehrli, District 5 . Al Murphy, District 6
Copyright ? 2020 Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, All rights reserved.
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3S580 Naperville Road
Wheaton, IL 60189

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