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Edesia Nutrition Sign Up Information

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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Edesia Nutrition.

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Dear Friends,

As I watch our packets of miracle food roll off the lines, my mind wanders to what is happening globally and the heartbreaking stories that rarely make the headlines. From war and conflict in Yemen and Syria, to locusts decimating much of East Africa, the world is in peril. Now, the COVID-19 pandemic is worsening global food insecurity, with young children being especially vulnerable. 

Malnutrition is 100% preventable. There is no mystery as to why these children die, and no mystery as to how we save them. We make millions of packets of the antidote every day. It's called Plumpy'Nut?.
In the coming months, dozens of countries may enter a famine state, meaning that more than one-third of their populations may starve. The World Food Programme estimates ~200,000 people may die per DAY over a 3-month period. This tragedy is something that even I, who has spent significant time in developing countries witnessing malnutrition, have trouble imagining. We are gearing up for a significant increase in demand, and are asking for your help as we look to raise $500,000 for a new packaging line. This will allow us to produce 324,000 more packets of miracle food daily, providing thousands of more children with a priceless gift: a future.

These are painstakingly hard times, and we are all stretched thin, but here at Edesia, we are ready to fight on behalf of all humanity. We hope you'll join us. 

Warm regards, 

Founder & CEO

P.S. Since 2010, our reach has extended to over 54 countries across the globe. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are also making peanut butter to help support vulnerable people throughout our 55th country: the United States of America.
Yes, I want to help save a life
Copyright ? 2020 Edesia, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
550 Romano Vineyard Way
North Kingstown, Rhode Island 02852

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Comment by: admin
Comment on: 01/09/2020