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Dear Friends and Colleagues, 

Thank you for all the work you are doing to protect families' homes during these trying times. Today, with the United States focused on containing the COVID-19 pandemic, the broader and longstanding issue of income and housing insecurity has quickly become paramount to the health of an entire nation. 

As you know, state and local governments, as well as the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), have issued partial emergency eviction and foreclosure moratoriums to prevent families and individuals from losing their homes during the crisis. But these emergency measures vary greatly in form and level of protection. While some of the moratoriums block evictions today, the vast majority still allow for widespread eviction as soon as state and federal emergency declarations expire.

The Eviction Lab and Emily Benfer of Columbia Law School have developed a policy scorecard for 50 states and the District of Columbia, distilling the contents of thousands of newly released legal documents into a clear set of 21 critical measures, that allows us to evaluate each state's response and point to best practices in housing policy. The scorecard also includes data on the number of renters in each state who could be affected by the housing crisis and links to other COVID-19 housing resources. 

We hope this scorecard will be a valuable tool for motivating new legislation and amplifying media attention on this issue. 

Click Here to Explore the Scorecard


Here are some of our key findings: 

  • Many states, including Colorado, Georgia, Oklahoma, Ohio, Missouri, and Utah, have enacted few if any of the 21 housing stability measures we''re tracking.

  • While states like Connecticut and Delaware have issued some of the strongest tenant protections, even these states have yet to resolve the significant rental debt burden families face in the wake of the crisis.

  • Only 14 states have suspended eviction filings (27% of states).

  • Only 20 states prohibit law enforcement from executing non-emergency orders of eviction (39% of states).

  • Only one state--Connecticut--has taken any action to give tenants time to pay unpaid, past-due rent.


Please consider circulating this scorecard widely. It can be used to quickly compare states' homelessness prevention policies developed during the COVID-19 outbreak. We will update the scorecard regularly as legislation expires or new protections are passed.


If you have any questions or feedback for us, please email


In solidarity and with thanks,




Matthew Desmond

Maurice P. During Professor of Sociology 

Principal Investigator, Eviction Lab 

Princeton University 

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Comment on: 01/09/2020