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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Freedom for All Americans.

Let's make sure transgender people like myself can look forward to a future free from discrimination.


A few years ago, I could have never imagined that I’d be writing you this email, let alone working as a full-time advocate for transgender people in my home state of Mississippi.

But your purpose in life has a way of calling to you. And I believe when you’re ordained to do something, you have to do it, and do it well. I am a beautiful black woman, I am transgender—and I work every day to make sure that transgender people like myself can look forward to a future free from discrimination.

That’s why I’m proud to support Freedom for All Americans, the bipartisan campaign to secure express and enduring nondiscrimination protections for all LGBTQ people nationwide.

Your support for Freedom for All Americans would mean so much to me this week, friend, during Transgender Awareness Week, when organizations around the country are working to raise the visibility of transgender people and the issues we face as a community.

Will you take this moment to join the nationwide movement of people who believe it's time to fully protect all LGBTQ Americans under federal law?

I was forced to leave a career in cosmetics after experiencing relentless anti-transgender harassment and discrimination. And I have a lot of friends who have packed up and left Mississippi because they don’t feel safe or protected.

My life changed forever last year when I lost one of my closest and oldest friends—also a transgender woman of color—to violence. Mesha was one of the people I cherished most in the world. Losing her was devastating. It was the ignition to my advocacy.

I now work full-time at a non-profit where I run ‘Trans 101’ trainings so my fellow Mississippians understand the basics of transgender identity and how transgender people want to be treated. The work that I do now for my community is to ensure that everyone has a voice that can be heard.

We know how hard it is for people like us, transgender and gender-nonconforming people throughout the South, and we focus on the opportunities that have been given to us with the knowledge that life could be so much better. I want to take advantage of doors that may not have been open for people like me and ensure that we, black and brown transgender people, occupy seats at those tables of influence.

It is important for our communities to understand the basics of transgender identity and how transgender people deserve to be treated. There are so many transgender and gender-nonconforming people making a positive impact in society today, but we cannot make influential changes without others acknowledging our existence and allowing us to bridge those gaps of inclusion.

You have to help us help ourselves. That's the only way we'll be able to survive and be equal members of society. We must ensure that all LGBTQ Americans can live, work, and access basic services free from discrimination, no matter what state we call home.

The current patchwork of laws around the country—with some states having them, and others not (like Mississippi)—is unsustainable and leaves too many LGBTQ people behind. That’s why there’s an urgent need for our federal lawmakers to pass legislation like the Equality Act, which would provide express and enduring nondiscrimination protections nationwide.

Freedom for All Americans is working to secure nondiscrimination protections for as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, friend. Sign FFAA’s pledge to support federal protections for LGBTQ people today.

In gratitude,

Malaysia Walker

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Comment on: 01/09/2020