Dochase; Boost Your Native Advertising
Native advertising is paid content, often well-disguised as organic content. Content promoted in this way may appear to provide value, but the overall goal is to sell a product or service. Unlike display ads or banner ads, native ads don't really look like ads. They look like part of the editorial flow of the page. The key to native advertising is that it is non-disruptive.
If an ad looks like a content rather than a regular display ad then readers may not know they are consuming a paid advertisement.
Although native ads blend well into a page, you can still know it is a paid ad by a few features;
- "Suggested Posts/videos", "Sponsored Post/Content" or "Recommended" will be written above or below the native ad.
- Small icons on the top right, which when clicked denotes that it is a paid content.
Types of Native Ads
- In-Feeds Native ads: In-feed native advertising promote sponsored content within a publication's natural index of articles.
IAB: The Impact COVID Has On Data Spending
While COVID-19 has impacted the short- to midterm marketing spend for marketers, the long-term impact is much less certain, according to The State of Data report conducted and published by the IAB Programmatic + Data Center of Excellence and Winterberry Group.
COVID-19 is likely to drive up to 20% in data cuts in the second and third quarters of 2020. In fact, most survey respondents expect the short-term impact of COVID-19 to require budgetary cuts and reallocation of priorities. There is less agreement on the outlook in Q4 2020 and beyond.
- 64.2% - decrease in Q2/Q3 2020 marketing spend
- 57.2% - delay planned marketing efforts and campaigns
- 49.1% - change messaging and content priorities
- 37.7% - change mix of marketing and advertising channels
TV Not Likely to Recover Its Pre-Pandemic Viewership
Though traditional linear TV continues to fall - after an early bump up due to rising pandemic issues in March and April - one analyst believes things could get much worse.
Todd Juenger, the media analyst of Bernstein Research, writes: "We believe viewership, TV advertising and pay-TV subscribers may not recover to their pre-crisis levels, and rate of decline will increase as SVOD [subscription video-on-demand services] substitution continues."
Traditional linear TV, which saw a 5% rise in total day persons 2+ viewership in March and April versus a year ago, has now fallen to 15% to 20% decline levels in July, versus the same time period in 2019 - per Bernstein Research analysis of Nielsen data.
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