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?Ai Weiwei MASK

No will is too small, and no act is too helpless.

- Ai Weiwei 

Ai Weiwei MASK is a project devised to raise funds for COVID-19 humanitarian causes. 

"The COVID-19 pandemic is a humanitarian crisis. It challenges our understanding of the 21st century and warns of dangers ahead. It requires each individual to act, both alone and collectively". - Ai Weiwei 

These face coverings are hand printed with iconic images of Ai Weiwei's work. Produced during the period of quarantine, the masks are the canvas onto which Ai Weiwei prints his message. They are a call to action, a symbol of the citizen-led response to the humanitarian crisis that we are now facing and that contests our understanding of our contemporary reality and forewarns what is to come. The face mask is a representation of an individual action, that when executed collectively has the power to change the course of something larger than ourselves, in this case a pandemic. 

All proceeds benefit the COVID-19 humanitarian and human rights emergency efforts led by Human Rights Watch, Refugees International and M?decins Sans Fronti?res/Doctors Without Borders (MSF). The masks are available until June 27 on 

Click here.

Ai Weiwei MASK is produced by Ai Weiwei studio and curated as an independent project by Alexandra Munroe, Senior Curator, Asian Art and Senior Advisor, Global Arts, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. 

Watch the VIDEO on CNN

Ai Weiwei MASK artworks can be purchased as single works; as series of four; or as a complete set of twenty which includes the artist's iconic Study of Perspective series. Made in the artist's studio in Berlin, each work is silk-screened by hand on cloth face masks. In addition, each package includes a signed artist's statement. The artworks are not recommended for medical use and no liability is assumed if they are used for this purpose. The masks are not washable.

We are pleased to share the voice of Alexandra Munroe, curator of the artistic project, and of the humanitarian organizations to whom the proceeds of the sale will go to in order to support the fight against Coronavirus.

"Ai Weiwei MASK are artworks symbolic of life in the time of COVID-19. To have one is an ethical and creative act to overcome our tired isolation and participate in a collective enterprise of real compassion". - Alexandra Munroe.

"This is a powerful example of art and activism coming together for good. We are honored to partner with Ai Weiwei and eBay for Charity to raise funds for our work on the COVID crisis. With their support, we are able to fight for those most affected by the pandemic - vulnerable children, refugees, and people who live in poverty". - Kenneth Roth (Executive Director, Human Rights Watch).

"For MSF, Ai Weiwei's artistic proposal to turn these masks into a symbol of the humanitarian challenges of the COVID-19 crisis is very relevant and powerful. This project will give people the opportunity to con- tribute with a donation to our COVID-19 medical work. This includes responding to the needs of the communities affected by the disease and their health systems, or respond- ing to the consequences that this pandemic is having and will have on the millions of people we serve in more than 70 countries. We are grateful to Ai Weiwei for having chosen MSF as one of the recipients of the funds". - Dr. Reveka Papadopoulou (President of M?decins Sans Fronti?res/Doctors Without Borders - Operational Center of Geneva.

"The COVID-19 pandemic is a profound test of our common humanity, as it is the world's most vulnerable people-ref- ugees and others who have been forced from their homes-who are at gravest risk. This noble initiative sounds the alarm on this dire threat, and will both amplify and strengthen Refugees International advocacy for human rights and critical assistance to those who are displaced due to persecution, violence, and other injustices". - Eric Schwartz (President, Refugees International).

Thank you for supporting this humanitarian art project by Ai Weiwei.

?Find out more

Galleria Continua

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Comment on: 01/09/2020