
Hi there,

Thanks for signing up with Goshly, we're thrilled to have you?onboard.?
You're probably exploring the platform right now. When you start building your website, just follow these 5 important steps and make the most out of Goshly Web builder:
  1. Login?to your Goshly account.
  2. Select a theme for your website: Goshly offers 100+ themes that are intricately designed to match the latest styles and trends.
  3. Select a website name: This will be the name of your website once your site goes live.
  4. Create your website: Design your beautiful and responsive website.
  5. Publish your website: Make your website live post subscribing to one of our plans, which start from as low as $15/month.

If you have any comments, questions, or feedback, Please don't hesitate to let us know.?
So get started right away.

Get Started

Mark Friedman