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Grounds for Change Sign Up Information

Last Updated:
7/1/2020 1
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Grounds for Change Coffee

Uganda Flood Relief:
Save 10% + Give 10%

We have already had an incredible response to this promotion and today is the last day to take advantage of savings that we match with a donation to our partners in Uganda!

For the last five years, we have roasted a fantastic Ugandan coffee from Bukonzo Joint Cooperative Union (BJCU), located in the Rwenzori Mountains of Western Uganda. BJCU has been a pioneer in both high-quality specialty coffee and gender equity at the family, cooperative, and community level through a program called Gender Action Learning System (GALS). We are inspired by their community and feel fortunate to partner with them.
This summer, severe flooding in the region has washed out houses, crops, and caused dramatic damage to BJCU''s facilities and coffee milling equipment. Over 5 metric tons of coffee were lost in the flooding as well. Baluku Paineto, BJCU''s general manager, reached out to friends and partners to request financial assistance. Some immediate funds were sent so BJCU could start repairing their milling equipment, but additional short- and long-term funding are needed.
Grounds for Change has already made a cash donation to this fundraising effort but we are now going to work with you, our loyal customers, to support them even more. Given that this delicious Ugandan coffee features prominently in many of our blends, we are offering a discount code: BJCU that saves you 10% on all coffees AND will generate a 10% donation back to BJCU from every order. For example, if we sell $10,000 worth of coffee using the BJCU discount code, our customers will save $1,000 and we will donate $1,000 to BJCU. Discount code valid through end of day today, 8/4/20. Thanks for your support of fair trade organic coffee and BJCU!
Photos and video courtesy of BJCU.
Save 10% + Give 10% . Code: BJCU >>
Attention to the social, environmental and financial impacts of conducting business forms the foundation of Grounds for Change. Out of this concern grows premium quality, great service and passion for our trade. The result is a truly exceptional cup of coffee. Every single bean we roast is fair trade certified, organic certified and carbon-free certified, which means the possibility of a real livelihood for coffee growers, a breath of fresh air for the planet and zero net carbon emissions from crop to cup.

We are passionate about operating as a green business and have received a Washington award for Outstanding Achievement in Sustainability. Each year, our donations help support tree planting efforts, advocate for migratory songbirds impacted by coffee cultivation, restore salmon habitat, and support collectives of coffee producing women and their families in Peru.
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Grounds for Change
15773 George Lane NE Suite 204
Poulsbo, WA 98370

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Comment on: 01/09/2020