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Guitar Tricks Sign Up Information

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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Guitar Tricks.

Hey there,

I hope you're having a great weekend. Some of you might have missed the Friday email with the news, so here's what happened:

We launched a coupon code that lowers the price of membership AND we are giving out 4 bonus gifts on top of that! There's never been a better time to join:

Use code SUMMER2020 to get $80 off annual subscription

We got a bunch of questions from you guys, so I wanted to send out an email with more details about this:

Q: What do I get with Full Access?
A: We call membership "Full Access" because you get all the lessons we offer. We have easy step-by-step video lessons for players of all skill levels. Everyone also loves our song library, where we teach hit songs from the Beatles, AC/DC, Ed Sheeran, the Rolling Stones, Shawn Mendes, The Who and nearly every major artist you can think of...

Q: How is Guitar Tricks different from other guitar lesson sites?
A: We think most other guitar teaching methods make learning guitar WAY harder than it needs to be. The Guitar Tricks method teaches everything using short videos that are easy to understand and easy to follow along.

Q: What happens if I want to cancel?
A: Tell us in the first 60 days and we will give you a full refund. There's no pressure or hard feelings, we want everyone to be confident with their decision.

Please don't wait until the price goes back up:

Use code SUMMER2020 to sign up
(Big Discount, 4 Bonus Gifts, 60 Day Guarantee)

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!

Take care,



Guitar Tricks
268 Bush Street, #4400
San Francisco, CA 94104

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Comment by: admin
Comment on: 01/09/2020