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Historic Happenings
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Getting to Know HHF's Newly Elected Board Members

At Historic Hawai'i Foundation's Annual Meeting in August, four additional members were elected to the Foundation's Board of Trustees: Allen Hoe, Linda Chiu, Barbara Shideler and Julie Cooke (pictured clockwise from the top). We are delighted to welcome them and as a preliminary introduction, we asked each of them to respond to a brief Q&A. [Meet the trustees]

Prepare Your Home for Storms and Hurricanes 
 with HHF''s Seminars & Resource List

Video recordings of our 2019 seminars provide useful advice to protect your home from extreme weather. Topics include everything from tie downs, continuous load paths, window protection, hurricane clips for single and double wall construction, to wind and flood deterrents, what to insure, and how to valuate. Incredibly important information for any homeowner and all of this through the lens of maintaining respect for the historic integrity of a heritage home. [Watch here]

Now Available: Recording of the Post-Viewing Discussion 
with the Filmmakers

Watch Thursday''s intriguing discussion with the executive producers of Wailua: Ke Awawa o Na Ali'i, Na'alehu Anthony of Paliku Documentary Films and Ken Tatsuguchi of the State Department of Transportation. They discussed their intentions with producing the film as a Section 106 mitigation and addressed the significance of historic documentation for communities. Seemingly an unexpected partnership, their teamwork is a big win that will likely lead to similar positive outcomes. [Watch here]

HHF Seminars on Section 106 Consultation
Part 2: Section 106 Consultation with Native Hawaiian Organizations
Friday, November 13, 2020  10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Free and open to the public

[Register for Part 2 + Access Recording of Part 1]

The training will present an overview of the National Historic Preservation Act process for consultation between federal agencies, State Historic Preservation Officer and Native Hawaiian Organizations to resolve effects on historic properties from federal actions.

Fostering Community Resilience Through Places of History, Heritage and Hope

Today during these turbulent times, it is evident that places from the past are important sources of identity and inspiration. Places of history and heritage hold our memories, honor our ancestors, and provide us with a deep sense of belonging to the place we call home. Historic places inspire us with their association with perseverance and strength in the face of adversity. 

Yet despite their value, historic places need people to preserve them. Historic Hawai'i Foundation is the only nonprofit organization with the mission of preserving historic places statewide. Through direct consultation, person-to-person advice, and educational programs, Historic Hawai'i Foundation provides the assistance needed to protect places and to make historic preservation a community effort.   

We need your support to continue these outcomes. Like many nonprofits we''ve had to cancel our primary fundraising event this year and are facing a shortfall in donations. Historic Hawai'i Foundation has launched a Community Resilience Campaign with the goal of raising $65,000 to sustain our operations. If you''re able, please consider making a gift to support Historic Hawai'i Foundation's Community Resilience Campaign.
Support HHF''s Community Resilience Campaign

Preserving African American Places:
Growing Preservation''s Potential as a Path for Equity

The National Trust for Historic Preservation has released a new report: "Under the auspices of the African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund and funded by the Ford Foundation and The JPB Foundation, the National Trust for Historic Preservation presents Preserving African American Places: Growing Preservation''s Potential as a Path for Equity. This report seeks to elevate emerging ideas, research, observations, and questions on the critically important issues of equitable development, social justice, and the practice of preservation.

At the heart of this project is the central question: How can preservation be a force for advancing equitable development and social justice in African American neighborhoods and other communities of color?

While not intended as a definitive research study or comprehensive analysis, this report reflects both past and current progress, and explores, uncovers, and advocates for expanding the role that cultural heritage and its preservation can and should play in the equitable growth of our communities."
 [Explore and download the report here]
"Preservation efforts succeed because of persistence and partnerships. If we will bring both of those to bear in moving these statements from aspirations to realities, then we can bring about positive change."
- Katherine Malone-France, Chief Preservation Officer,
National Trust for Historic Preservation

Mahalo for reading HHF''s Historic Happenings.

Historic Hawai?i Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to saving Hawai?i's historic places. Through advocacy, education and assistance programs, we help people save the unique places of history and heritage that are essential to foster healthy and resilient communities. 

Please join us in protecting Hawai?i''s historic places for present and future generations. 
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