This site did not show evidence of storing passwords in plaintext.
This site does allow secured connections (https)
This site did show a clear way to unsubscribe from their emails
This site does verify your email address.
Membership Emails
Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to hostevent.
Please click on below link to activate your account. Account
Activation Link
If you need help, please contact us at
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Copyright HostEvent 2019
Dear Customer,
Wishing you and your loved ones, Happy Holidays!!!
While wallets are getting short in funds, by organizing holiday parties, annual events, training events, we at hostevent have worked hard with your support to make event app more affordable and free for smaller events.
If you are corporate, university, individual, hostevent app is free to use with all its features for attendees (<100).
For Events with >100 attendees, we can provide you discounted rate, if you contact us at
We believe in simplicity and great user experience. We have made significant design changes and also making offline mode available, with many other features like Agenda, Document sharing, Survey, Notification, Speakers, Sponsors etc.
Please feel free to use hostevent app for your upcoming events, also refer to your friends and colleagues.