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Bob Dylan: The Interview, Part 1

As part of our Bob Dylan birthday week celebration, we're happy to bring you this, our 1991 interview with Dylan, his only one ever to focus exclusively on songwriting.
IMPORTANT DEADLINE REMINDER FOR SONGWRITERS! May 29th: Last Chance To Enter World''s TOP Songwriting Competition. 15 Categories You Can Enter. 85 songs from entrants have already hit the Billboard Hot 100 Charts! Will YOU be next? Final Chance: Deadline ends soon. Hurry, Enter Your Songs now >>?
Behind the Song: Brent Smith Explains "45" by Shinedown

"The 45 was a metaphor for the world and 'staring down the barrel of a 45' was about staring down at this planet and what it throws at you, how you have maneuvered through your life."
Charley Crockett Uses the Lessons He's Learned on "Welcome to Hard Times"

"This record is for the folks who feel like everything is fixed," Crockett says of the new album, "If you think you're playing a rigged game, you're right."
Clayton Anderson Shares How "Struggle Bus" Has Shifted From Its Original Meaning

"I am not making light of anyone's struggles, because they're all real and important and critical, but I'm hoping to offer a point of unity for all of us who are struggling and need a place to know 'I'm not alone.'"
Block your calendar off for a great afternoon of shows with American Songwriter! We have a diverse group of talented songwriters that will be joining us to play some songs and tell the stories behind them. Be sure to tune in on Facebook!
Jimmy Buffett Catches a Wave During Slack Tide With 'Life on The Flip Side'

Everyone who helped create this album was able to capture something talent can't define alone: the essence of family.
Matthew West Kicks Out the Crazy on "Quarantine Life"

Quarantine Life was released amidst the "Quarantine Quiet Time (QQT)" videos, a daily message of hope which West shared by way of his social channels in an effort to provide encouragement and to build community.
Brother Starling Flies As A Unit On Debut Record 'The Weight of Change'

"We just let each song tell its own story. I feel we finished with a very cohesive record that makes sense today and will for years to come."
Behind the Song: The Beach Boys, "Good Vibrations"

Released in 1966 on a 7" single, the song, "Good Vibrations," has a long and rather complicated story. In some ways, it's emblematic of The Beach Boys' fascinating and at times-tumultuous history.

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Comment on: 01/09/2020