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Publishing News Round-Up




Welcome to the Water Cooler, Independent Publisher's round-up of the best articles on literature, bookselling, publishing, and libraries. The first article announces one of my personal favorite days of the year, "Talk Like a Pirate Day."  The second article is a serious, literary take on climate change, and the third is about the importance of maintaining our "deep reading" skills. Finally, a real pep talk of an article about how easy it is for a sharp business person to write a book...Arrghh!  Happy last-weekend-of-summer reading!

“They selected September 19, simply because Summers had recently divorced, it was his ex-wife's birthday, and he figured 'the date was stuck in my head, and I wasn't going to do anything with it anymore.'"

Yo, ho, ho! International Talk Like a Pirate Day is upon us! / CNN

Every September 19th since 2002, the year the day's founders were discovered and written about by Dave Barry in his Miami Herald column, has been ITLAPD, and hey, it's really fun to join in. Give it a try, you scurvy dog! Want to be the star of happy hour tonight? Try out these "pirate pick-up lines." 



"Can extreme weather stir up slumbering folk heroes and their nemeses? What happens when age-old stories embedded in the permafrost of intergenerational memory suddenly thaw?"
Gun Island and the Stories That Emerge on a Changing Planet / Literary Hub

Here is an extremely literary take on climate change, pointing to various novels from around the world, all being colored by the various effects of bad weather, overpopulation, pollution and global warming. Are these sensitive novelists canaries in our global coal mine?


"Don’t be discouraged if you read slowly. Thoughtfully engaging with a text takes time. The slowest readers are often the best readers, the ones who get the most meaning out of a work and are affected most deeply by literature."
The Good Reader / Plough Quarterly
This lovely article on the virtues of "deep reading" encourages readers to slow down, practice attentiveness, and try to shake off the disorientation our minds experience in our day-to-day digitized world. Our brains work one way when reading prose, and another when bouncing between tweets, pictures, and news flashes, especially when technology developers build addictive qualities into programs to keep us engaged against our will.


"As you plan your book, write for that one reader you know who wants or needs your information. The book will find its way into the hands of others just like him or her."
Why Not Write A Book To Promote Your Career? / Forbes

With a real "Just Do It" attitude, Ms. Booher, author of 48 books, points out that current publishing contracts are asking for much shorter books (30-35,000 words) which is "roughly five to six times the length of a typical white paper you and your team might write for your organization." She quotes the CEO of a top publishing house saying, “There is no general reading audience anymore,” and how that affects her approach. 




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