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Layla Martin Sign Up Information

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7/2/2020 2
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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Layla Martin.

Hi Jayden,

Even though I teach about sexuality, relationships, and self-love to hundreds of thousands of people across the globe, the truth is that I spent most of my teens and twenties in paralyzing fear, shame, and anxiety around my body and sexuality.

At one point, it got so out of hand that I made my entire self-worth depend on a pair of fake eyelashes. (Because who would ever love me or think I was beautiful WITHOUT toxic shit glued to my face?)

It even got to a point where I was so afraid to walk into Victoria’s Secret because I was freaked out by anything remotely sexual. (Even looking at myself in the mirror would make me cringe. I’d only see short legs, gross skin, and thin hair - even if I wore something sparkly and awesome.)

So, yes, I know all too well how painful it is to be disconnected from your own body. To feel insecure (in the bedroom and beyond) and unworthy of pleasure and love.

And I’m here to tell you that if I can go from self-loathing, sexual trauma, and deep sadness within my body to feeling exquisite pleasure and confidence in my body and life, anyone can.

But before I share my most life-changing teachings designed to help you live the most pleasure-soaked and passion-filled existence imaginable…

I wanted to introduce myself properly.

Hi! I’m Layla. 

Women's Health Magazine calls me "The Headmistress of Pleasure"…

But I'm also a total goofball who’s spent time studying sexuality both at Stanford University and in the jungles of Asia with Tantric masters.

I’m here to show you how to upgrade your life with a more organic and super healthy approach to sex, love, and relationships every week…

Because let's be honest, the way we love ourselves and others is an absolutely essential component to our happiness in life.  

That’s a picture of me with my life partner, Andrew (who also makes regular appearances in my videos!) at a super sexy, enlightened entrepreneurs retreat in Mexico. The intimacy and romance we experience together are truly breathtaking. It humbles me to be inside the loving container of such a radiantly passionate relationship, but it didn’t just happen on its own. I honestly never thought I’d be in a relationship like this. I’m not saying this to brag or make you compare where you are at, but more to say that I’m so looking forward to sharing with you some of the strategies and techniques I’ve been studying deeply and teaching for years on how to have truly epic sex and legendary love in your life that made such a difference for me.

Because, c’mon, who doesn’t want those things?

I certainly want all of this for you…. And more.

In fact, I want every single woman on this planet to reclaim her worthiness, her power and her sexuality….

To own her sacred feminine magic, radiate pure joy and sparkle with epic aliveness.

I want every single woman on this planet to feel safe in her body and to be madly in love with every single part of her magnificent self.

And my mission in life? Is to support you with the guidance and tools to get you there.

So sit tight, I've got a lot more amazing free content coming your way soon!


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Comment on: 01/09/2020