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League of Conservation Voters Sign Up Information

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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to League of Conservation Voters.

Friend — we need your help on this. Your LCV Membership: PENDING
Friend — I hope you're following this. Earlier this year, Trump announced he wanted to slash the EPA's budget by 31% — a total gut-job on the agency that would zero out key environmental programs. He also proposed 14% cuts to the Interior Department.

Well… this is a big update. After months of negotiations and intense campaigning, the House just passed a budget deal that actually increases funding for the EPA and Interior Departments — AND would remove Big Polluter requests that have been slipped into spending bills for years.

This is a huge rebuke of Trump and his dangerous policies. Now, the package goes to the Senate — and I just got word from our policy team that a vote will happen as soon as Monday.

We need to make sure a clean bill gets through the Senate and sets up a path forward on these important government environmental programs. No poison-pill riders. No anti-environment attacks.

But with only a short window before a vote, we need to mobilize — and fast. We need your help to push this campaign over the finish line — the vote could be close.

The best thing you can do to help right now is renew your membership for 2019. We're asking every LCV member to renew their support right now.

Can you renew your membership to be a part of this? Right now, it only costs $5 »

(And there's more: a major donor has agreed to contribute $500,000 to fund our campaigns for the rest of 2019 — only IF 10,000 people pitch in first, even $5 gifts count.)

We're putting pressure on in a major way to make sure anti-environment forces in the Senate can't erode the boost in funding to EPA and Interior or slip dangerous riders into the final bill under the radar. But the truth is, a fight like this is expensive. Resources are extremely tight right now, and the thing we need most of all is you.

To keep our work going, we need to raise $125,000 before the end of the month. If everyone reading this right now pitched in just $5, we'd blow through that goal in minutes. Here's where things stand:

  • GOAL: 10,000 donations
  • PROGRESS: 85% to goal
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  • EMAIL: @
We are activating every team and resource at our disposal today — and every day — until we pass a clean budget bill. But we can't do it without you.

I'm hoping we can count you in, friend. Right now your support could unlock an additional $500,000 gift. Renew your membership with LCV for just $5 today »

Thanks for stepping up at this critical time. There's a lot of work ahead of us, friend, and I'm glad you're standing with us.


Gene Karpinski
League of Conservation Voters
  This email was sent to @. If this isn't the best email address at which to reach you, update your contact information. Click here to unsubscribe from our supporter list. Send us any comments, criticisms, or feedback here, or just reply to this email! Thanks for your support.

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Comment on: 01/09/2020