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melissaknorris Sign Up Information

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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to melissaknorris.

Hi Emma

I've had a lot of questions come in about the Pioneering Today Academy, so I wanted to take a minute to answer these in case you have the same questions!

Is the homemade bread baking course included with the membership?

Yes, the homemade bread and baking course (which includes my sourdough and fresh ground flour series) is part of the membership along with the Growing Your Own Fruits & Veggies, Seed Saving, Home Canning with Confidence, Livestock, and Herbs & Natural Remedies courses.

Do the videos expire?

No, as long as you're a current member you have access to ALL of the videos ALL the time. They never expire or go away.

How do I access the videos?

When you sign up you'll create an account with a password, you'll simply log-in and the searchable library of courses and videos will be waiting for you.

Can I download things or is it all online?

You can't download the videos but EVERY video has a written download guide that accompanies it that you can download and print out. Many members have their own Pioneering Today Academy binders with all of the written material for quick access (or if their power goes out).

Does the membership automatically renew?

Yes, if you choose the monthly option it will automatically bill each month on the same date. If you choose the annual membership it will automatically renew on your yearly anniversary date (and it keeps you grand-fathered in as the price IS INCREASING).

Can I cancel?

Yes, you're free to cancel your membership at any time, but most members have been with me since the Academy started in 2016. You can cancel under your account settings or shoot me an email and I will do it for you.

Do you offer a refund?

Yes, if you contact me in the first 30 days I will refund you, no questions asked.

Who is the Academy for?

The Academy is for anyone wanting to grow their own food, stock their pantry with food preserved at home safely, use natural and herbal remedies, use traditional cooking and skills in their kitchen, garden, and barnyard.
It's for parents, grandparents, single people, married couples, retired, young moms, homeschoolers, and busy folks who work outside the home, those who live in apartments, urban homes, small yards, or lots of acreage. The easy to follow tutorials and step-by-step lessons apply to everyone, whether or not you're brand new, young, old, or experienced, we have people from all walks inside the Academy!

How soon do I have to join?

Now! The enrollment for the Academy ends in just a few short days and I only have ONE spot left for the all-day workshop here on my homestead this July. I highly recommend taking action now so you don't miss out.


I hope that answers your questions, but if not, please hit reply to this email for any additional questions.

That's it for now!

Talk soon,

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Comment on: 01/09/2020