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Melyssa Griffin Sign Up Information

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5/3/2020 8
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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Melyssa Griffin.

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Hey Henry!

Looking for the free resource library that includes my Bangin' Blog Business Plan workbook? Click here to access it! The password, if it asks, is:



Now...dude. DUDE. I'm seriously honored that you signed up to be a member of this community. 
But before we can become virtual BFFs, I have to know one thing: do you even like me? Because if you're not the type of person I can help, or if you don't resonate with me, then I'd hate to take up space in that sacred inbox of yours.
So who the heck am I? 
Well, as you may have guessed, my name is Melyssa Griffin and since 2013, I've helped online entrepreneurs and bloggers grow their audience and earn a stellar income online.
I like to think of myself as your online BFF. One of my readers once described me as "the girl next door with the mind of a millionaire." I'd also add that I'm fabulous at impromptu dance parties in my living room and I make a mean green smoothie. ;)
Who I Can Help Most, and Who I Can't
There are certain types of people I tend to get mind-blowing results for...and others who aren't the best match for me. Let me explain each really quickly so we're on the same page.
I get awesome results for...
  • Online entrepreneurs who feel a little overwhelmed by all the advice on the internet and who are looking for fresh strategies that get them results. 
  • People who want to earn some moolah online and are interested in turning their passion into a part- or full-time business.
  • Influencers and encouragers who want to grow their audience, reach more people, and make a freakin' difference on this planet.


On the other hand, I can't typically help people who...

  • Joined the internet solely to troll YouTube videos and leave comments like, "ur ugly." I welcome encouragement around these parts, yo.
  • Aren't willing to put in a little work to make their dreams a reality. My strategies don't work unless you do. 


I'd like to hope you fit snugly into that first category, Henry, so we can carry on our merry way.



But hey, I'm not right for everyone, and if you'd like to peace out now, then no hard feelings. You can unsubscribe here.



If we're a match made in virtual heaven, then let me tell you a little bit more about me and what you can expect here. Sound good?



What I Believe


I have a few semi-controversial beliefs that will cause some people to throw their fist up in agreement...and that will leave others a little cross-eyed.



You, of course, don't have to agree with me (I welcome it!), but let me quickly lay out my overall philosophy about building a successful business online. 



I believe that...

  • Trying to earn money through sidebar ads and sponsored blog posts is a surefire way to fail (I have a better way to do things around here).
  • You don't have to spend 20 hours a day working on your business in order for it to be a success. In my book, "busy" is not a badge of honor, and I'll show you how to create a life of balanced business bliss.
  • Your experience, your knowledge, your everything...are vital to this world. You have the inherent power to do incredible things. Pretty cool, eh?
What You Can Expect From Me
Still with me? Heck yes. That means you and I will get along juuust fine and you'll get a ton of value from what I share here. :)
I also want you to know that I do my absolute BEST to share useful, relevant, and fresh strategies and inspiration with you here each week.
Sometimes I might mention one of my products, but it's never in a "sales pitchy" kind of way. It's only because I know they can get you the best and fastest results possible. Promise.
Now, stay tuned for tomorrow! I'm sharing some of my BEST and most useful strategies with you. 
Talk soon, 
p.s. Want to check out some of my most inspirational and helpful content right now, lovebug? I highly recommend checking out my Instagram right here. Make sure to read the captions -- I've been told that they're super motivating and empowering.
Instagram is my favorite platform to connect on, by the way, so I often share rants, lessons, and inspiration that I don't share anywhere else. Follow me here!
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The Nectar Collective, LLC 520 Broadway Suite 200 Santa Monica, California 90401 United States
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Comment on: 01/09/2020