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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Mission of Hope.

Dear Mission of Hope Family, 

We want to update you on some exciting news regarding our young men and women in the Transition House program. Many of these young men and woman have been with Mission of Hope since they were very young. From the very beginning it was our vision to see them become men and women that love Jesus and would be a part of seeing Haiti changed for Christ.

On October 31st, they will begin this journey.

Many of you are familiar with the Transition House program that was created to address the need of how to best continue to support our orphanage kids after they reached the age of 18 and were required by Haitian law to move out of our orphanage. This plan enabled them to remain on campus until they were 25 years old, continuing their education and learning the skills that would enable them to successfully integrate back into their villages. With this transition, each will receive a one-time financial gift from Mission of Hope, help securing adequate housing in their villages, and an educational scholarship to continue attending university or tech school. Our staff will always continue to be available to them for guidance, discipleship, and support. 

In addition, our young adults who are now 18-24 years old are also moving off-campus, since there has been a strong push from the Haitian government for family reunification whenever possible. Mission of Hope will continue to support them as they move back in with their families or get a place of their own with their Village of Hope siblings. The continued support from Mission of Hope will include a one-time financial gift to secure housing, a monthly stipend for living costs, ongoing school support, food each month from our meal program, and access to the MOH campus, including the Medical Clinic.
It is our goal to set our children up for success and support them as they grow into responsible, influential adults in their communities. On October 31st, we will be having a ceremony celebrating the 34 young men and women who will now be re-joining their own communities as adults. Change is hard, but we are committed to making this transition for each young person successful with the support and availability of our staff for any needs or issues that may arise moving forward! The Transition House itself is going to become the new home for the Village of Hope orphanage. We ask you to join us as we pray for all of our Village of Hope family to make a positive impact for the Kingdom of God! 


Brad Johnson
Mission of Hope President 
OUR VISION: As an organization following Jesus Christ, Mission of Hope exists to bring life transformation to every man, woman, and child.


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 171500
Austin, TX 78717
Phone: 512-256-0835


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Comment on: 01/09/2020