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Membership Emails

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Dear Reader:

When I wrote to you just over a month ago, I shared with you that our news organization had never covered a story with as many impacts on all our lives as the COVID-19 crisis.

Then on May 25, George Floyd, lying on his stomach in handcuffs, was killed by Minneapolis police in full view of stunned bystanders with cell phone videos capturing the final nine minutes of his life.

What already seemed like an immensely challenging time for our staff and the community became much more complicated. Like journalists across the country, our team stepped up to simultaneously cover two emotional news stories that were shaking our souls, our confidence in government and our sense of well-being.  

We're living in a world that feels very chaotic, divided and in pain. It is in times like these--when people are especially hungry for, and in need of, truthful information--that the importance of good local journalism is so clear.  

Our team of journalists has been working harder than ever, under unprecedented circumstances, to bring you accurate, fact-based local news in an increasingly polarized and stressful environment. Like many of you, they are mentally and physically exhausted and emotionally drained. Yet they are as committed as ever to covering the news and the difficult issues we are facing, while also being mindful of other important stories. 

Similarly, as an organization devoted to the examination of important issues and shining light where there has been darkness, we are compelled to find ways to create meaningful discussion and engagement among members of the community. We hope you will be a part of that journey.

As our community undertakes difficult conversations about racial inequalities and considers concrete steps to reform police and other policies, practices and priorities, we are committed to doing everything we can to keep the energy and momentum of the protests over the last few weeks alive so that George Floyd's killing, and those of many others, spurs us on to action. 

Next Thursday, June 25, we will host a virtual Town Hall meeting, "Race, Policing and the Color of Justice," featuring a panel of individuals who are engaged in achieving meaningful reforms at a local level. The following week, we'll be presenting a second forum featuring the owners of several black-owned restaurants discussing their unique challenges. Watch for invitations to these free events in the next few days. 

We are acutely aware of our responsibilities as the primary local news organization serving our community. In spite of our efforts to hire and retain a diverse staff, our results are mixed, especially with regards to African Americans. We can do better at reflecting all parts of our community.  

Thank you to all those who are supporting local journalism through your membership subscription. Your support means we can retain and recruit an outstanding and diverse team of employees. There has never been a time when the importance of a trusted local news source was more obvious than today.

If you value local journalism and have not become a subscribing member yet, we ask you to consider joining the thousands of other locals supporting our reporting efforts and become a member today.

Thank you,

Bill Johnson
Founder and President

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Comment by: admin
Comment on: 01/09/2020