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Nozbe Sign Up Information

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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Nozbe.

Don't do everything alone: share projects, delegate tasks, get even more done!

Hope you're having a great day Jordan,

I also hope that with Nozbe and thanks to my 10-steps productivity course, you're more efficient than ever!

Do you get your projects done alone?

I bet you don't. And that's why, in my first email, I wrote you could create additional accounts for your partner and team-mates for free. How did it go?

Stop using email for collaboration!

At Nozbe, we don't send emails to each other anymore. We create and share projects. Only there, we add, delegate and comment on various tasks. This way, we're all on the same page and communicate effectively. And if you're using our native apps, you get a "push" notification when someone delegates a task to you or mentions you in a comment. It's a lot more practical than email!

When you set up a trial account for yourself, you can create additional accounts for your partners at no cost. It's that easy. This is why many business partners, couples and entrepreneurs choose Nozbe.

Check out how easy it is to share projects in Nozbe

And you don't have to pay yet, you can set them up and you'll pay at the end of your trial period. You can try Nozbe with as many projects and as many people as you like completely risk-free today. What are you waiting for?

Why you should work with others in Nozbe?

To inspire you, let me show you the benefits of collaboration - it's all in the 5th step of my productivity course. Let me tell you:

  • Why explaining stuff to others is NOT a waste of time
  • Why you really can't (and shouldn't) do it all alone
  • How to delegate tasks to others and make sure they get them done
  • What it really means to communicate through tasks effectively

Watch Step 5: "Collaboration" from my 10-step course

Watch Step 5: "Collaboration" from my 10-step course

That's right: 1+1 usually equals more than 2 if you're working with someone. Communicate through tasks to get things done together! You'll love it.

"I'm teaching a class in my church called gospel centered productivity, redeeming the time and am known as a GTD ninja. I always credit Nozbe. I also lead a high powered sales team and we all use Nozbe." - Konrad LaPrade

Keep it up and let me know how working with others has improved your productivity!

Yours productively,

Michael Sliwinski

P.S. Remember, you can set up additional Nozbe accounts for your co-workers in "Team" section in Nozbe. By default all of your and their projects are private. Only when you start sharing projects you'll be able to take advantage of this great capability in Nozbe click to learn more about it

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Contact us!
Nozbe, ul. Rozewska 18, 81-055, Gdynia, Poland
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.
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Comment on: 01/09/2020