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Pigeon Paywall Plugin Sign Up Information

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Finance | Banking
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Post-Registration Data

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This site did not show evidence of storing passwords in plaintext.

This site does allow secured connections (https)

This site did show a clear way to unsubscribe from their emails

This site does verify your email address.

Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Pigeon Paywall Plugin.

Print Vendor Tool

We have officially launched the print vendor tool! This will be an exciting update for those of you who deliver a print product. The hand-off between your subscriber database and your fulfilment vendor is now much easier. Here is a quick summary of the workflow:

  1. Setup your print vendor
  2. Pick a method for delivering the list
  3. Determine whether to automatically or manually generate the list
  4. Select which subscription plans will be in the generated list

Click below to see a video walkthrough of the new print vendor tool.

Contact us if your print vendor needs customized data beyond the defaults provided in the list.

To find other video tutorials of the Pigeon Admin, checkout the help page.

Conversion Tracking

Our mission is to provide tools that help you better monetize your content. This is why we've worked hard to provide you with a better perspective on conversions. There is now a new Conversion tab under Engagement Analytics where you will find some of these great new stats.

  1. Overall traffic - we worked hard to exclude *bot traffic
  2. Wall hit rates - % of your traffic who hit the wall
  3. Click rates - % of people that click on a plan when hitting the wall
  4. Plan conversion - % of those who click that convert to a plan
  5. Winback conversion - conversions of those who had a plan before

We have a number of exciting stats that will be rolling out over the next few months. Our goal is to further tie in these stats with the communications tools to further empower your marketing and promotion efforts. Look for more to come.

*Bot traffic includes site indexers like Google or Bing. We work hard to ensure the traffic number is as close to a real people perspective.

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Comment by: admin
Comment on: 01/09/2020