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Psychology of Eating Sign Up Information

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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Psychology of Eating.

As you've likely noticed, we're living in a time of social isolation and distancing, economic challenge, global uncertainty, and fear of an

Dear Friends,

As you've likely noticed, we're living in a time of social isolation and distancing, economic challenge, global uncertainty, and fear of an invisible and microscopic enemy.

What a perfect recipe for emotional eating.

If this describes you, your client, or someone you care about, then the first thing to remember is this:

You are eating emotionally for a very good reason.

It makes perfect sense from the perspectives of both science and psychology.

Science reminds us that the simple act of eating can reduce the physiologic stress response. You know this in every cell of your body: eating makes us feel better, and it does so almost instantly.

Just ask any crying, screaming infant or toddler.

Food can literally down-regulate stress chemistry.

Psychology reminds us that food is a comfort. The act of eating brings a sense of safety, nurturance, warmth, and love. If we are eating, then the world is at peace.

Etched in our DNA is the memory of generations of ancestors who found solace with food in times of hunger, famine, grief, and hardship.

So if you've found yourself emotionally eating in the past months, you might as well forgive yourself.

Stop the negative self talk, call a ceasefire on self attack, and breathe into your humanity.

Let go of being perfect.

Emotional eating is an opportunity to ask "What else?"

Meaning, what else can I do to find comfort? What else can I do to create more relaxation, more pleasure, more goodness in my life?

We don't need to "fight" emotional eating.

Rather, we need to embrace it for what it is, enjoy the comfort of food when we're eating it, and look to find other ways to soothe or reward ourselves in times of challenge.

If we listen faithfully, we find that our relationship with food is often asking us to grow.

It's asking us to mature ourselves.

It's asking us to look beyond food, and into the rest of our life for the care and connection we're seeking.

I hope you continue to turn these interesting times into a powerful nutrition for your own betterment.

My warmest regards,

Marc David
Founder & CEO
Institute for the Psychology of Eating

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Marc David, M.A. is the Founder & CEO of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, a leading visionary and teacher in Eating Psychology and Nutrition, and author of the classic best-selling books Nourishing Wisdom and The Slow Down Diet. He lectures and consults internationally, and his innovative and inspiring work has been featured in a long list of media outlets. Learn more HERE!

PLEASE READ BEFORE UNSUBSCRIBING If you wish to stop receiving emails from us, simply click the link below to Unsubscribe. Of course, you''re always welcome back. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you''ve signed up for any of our webinars, trainings, reports, or videos, or purchased any of our programs - DO NOT UNSUBSCRIBE. If you do, we will not be able to send you the free content you signed up for, and you won''t be able to receive anything you purchased from us. If you have any questions, simply email us at Unsubscribe

P.O. Box 941 Boulder, Colorado 80306 United States

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Comment on: 01/09/2020