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Seeing 2020

Who else has started on their 2020 business planning?!?! When I came back from hols with a sinus infection, I felt like I was walking around in a cloud. My brain has been a bit mushy - and I was really worried that I wouldn't have the energy or enthusiasm to getting into my planning early (I really HATE planning in January, makes me feel like I'm already behind the ball). However - the cloud must be lifting because the ideas are firing and I am getting so freaking excited! 

At the end of 2018, we did a full day strategy and planning sesh as a team - and we came out with soooooo much good stuff. I set that up into a business strategy for us for 2019, thinking that we'd have so much more time - seeing that the merger and rebrand were pretty much done. Nope. Nada. Not even. Apart from 3mths that were normal to almost quiet, the rest of the year has been off the hook. Which was awesome, but it also meant our strategy took a back seat - a lot.

Going through it now, I've dialed our 2019 business strategy back to a four year strategy instead - and removed/added a few items as well. From this, I've started taking out what I think are the priorities for 2020 - and assigning those priorities as projects to different team members. For some people, this may sound dry as hell but this is the stuff that makes me love what I do even more. Added bonus - the team are getting pretty excited too.

If there's one thing better than feeling super keen and prepared for a New Year, it's having your crew on board and ready to take on the world with you. We've put out a taster for some of the new things that Rebel Nation have percolating in the background, and 2020 is going to be our biggest and best year yet. Looking forward to having you all along for the ride as well ;)

Have a ridiculously marvellous weekend - Jade
Summer is here! And so is Mackay Airport's Endless Summer Passport competition. Complete your Endless Summer Passport for the chance to WIN a boat package from Reef Marine or a 7 night holiday for a family of 4 to Queenstown, NZ. Congrats to Casey who did a great job designing the passport and signage for this promotion. 

"Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming."

Richard Branson

Top LI pages of 2019

Would you like some inspo for your LinkedIn business page? Recently, LinkedIn ran a Best of Pages contest to find out who is doing creative and innovative things to establish their brand on LinkedIn. The results are in and they had 10 overall winners. Read on for an overview of the results with takeaways, best practices and examples that you can selectively apply to your own business page! 2020 is the year to step up your LinkedIn game.
See the winners >> 

Director's Circle

Heather is the Marketing Manager and Events/Functions Coordinator across two of Mackay’s fave venues – Souths Leagues Club and Souths Suburban Bowls Club. Managing the marketing, events and promotions across two different places, each with their own specialities and audiences, is a massive job for just one person – but Heather is just one of those people who, when something needs to be sorted, she’s in there getting it done. Rebel Nation love working alongside Heather.  

Learn more about Heather >>
Maternity Solutions
Exciting things are happening for our friends over at Uniform Solutions! They're adding a new section to their business called Maternity Solutions. We are so excited for them to start this new adventure. Their range includes not only workwear but clothing for ladies who are pregnant or breastfeeding. There is a small range in stock already, or you can browse their catalogue instore. Buy and support local this Christmas and New Year! 
19 days until Christmas! (Not that we're counting, lol)
Christmas is just around the corner - and so are holidays! We would like to advise you that the Rebel office will be closed from 3pm Friday, December 20 and will reopen on Monday, January 6. If you need anything urgent during this time, you can contact Jade on her mobile > 0448 866 388. 
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