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Robin Sharma Sign Up Information

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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Robin Sharma.


Hi Levi,

Giving a gift and expecting a return is not a gift at all. It's an exchange.

What makes giving a move that's so wonderful that it borders on the mystical is the intention with which you give it.

And if you want something back, you pollute the beauty of the present that you are giving.

Before I wrote this message for you, earlier this morning I read the words of the illustrious Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius.

He used the term "benevolent", which finally landed on my spirit in a way that I've long prayed it would.

I got it.

As a felt knowing versus as an intellectualized understanding.

To be a benevolent person [or leader, producer, creator, performer] is to do what you do in purity. For the right reasons. In high integrity. Only for the good of other people.

I'm not saying there's something wrong with also doing good for yourself. Self-love is an essential ritual. And win-win is a great game to play.

recommended resource ?

And yet, you'll ascend into the heavens of your greatest nature, finest nobility and most honorable heroism when you give for the sake of giving. Not getting.

The wise and courageous ruler [back to Marcus] who genuinely cared about the welfare of Rome [then the most powerful empire on the planet] and the state of its citizens also wrote in the passage I read earlier:

"When you have done a good act and another has fared well by it, why seek a third reward besides these, as fools do, be it the reputation for having done a good act or getting something in return."

Philanthropy to get your name on a hospital wing isn't real philanthropy, is it? It's vanity.

Doing something for a loved one, a neighbor or a teammate and waiting for even a thank you destroys the magic of the glorious act that you did.

Just give them their reward. That's your reward.

No strings attached. No reply required. No applause necessary.

In so doing, you'll become the ruler over your neediest desires, your ego's relentless demands and all disloyalty to your primal powers.

And wouldn't this be the ultimate gift?

Ok Levi, I have a strong list of learning resources that will help you thrive and rise amid these difficult times.

I pray they serve you well:

My free tactical guide The War Measures Manual.

My free Everyday Hero Formula 4 video training series.

And to completely wow you...

...I went into my private content archive and selected-based on client data- my top audio programs that have caused the deepest human growth and personal transformation.

The collection is called Success Mastery University.

All together the regular retail value is $2747.

Yet to do something extremely special for you to help you thrive in this hard time-and to ensure everyone can have access to this digital academy of world-class information to make you stronger, braver, happier and more productive...

...I'm making the complete collection of my top transformational audio programs in Success Mastery University available to you for only $7 [for a very limited time].

...The best way to make your life much better is to make yourself much stronger.

So get off the fence and go ahead and get full access here.

When you get your membership today you'll save 99.74% off the regular price.

Here's the list of each audio program:

1. How to Craft a World-Class Life [Value: $97]

2. Energy Explosion [Value: $77]

3. The Cure for Fear [Value: $195]

4. Manage Your Time Master Your Life [Value: $125]

5. Extraordinary Leadership [Value: $97]

6. A Simple Formula for Extraordinary Relationships [Value: $67]

7. The 7 Forms of Wealth [Value: $195]

8. Shine In The World [Value: $495]

9. The Alchemy of Success [Value: $95]

10. Simple Steps to Work Life Balance [Value: $69]

11. Meditation for Elite Performers - Volume 1 [Value: $95]

12. Meditation for Elite Performers - Volume 2 [Value: $95]

13. How to Be Remarkably Successful [Value: $147]

14. The Best Things I've Learned About Success In Leadership and In Life [Value: $197]

15. Exclusive Interview with Tony Robbins [$69 Value]

16. The Pyramid of Peak Performance [$197 Value]

17. The Peak Productivity Practices of the Pros [$197 Value]

18. The Change Session [$47 Value]

19. The 8 Cool Concepts Really Great Performers Know [$97 Value]

20. Leveraging Failure Into Greater Success [$97 Value]

Levi, claim your complete access here and save 99.7%.

Hope all this helps.

Stand strong and be of good courage.

Love + respect,


Robin ?

Robin Sharma

Humanitarian + Leadership Missionary


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