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4/4/2020 6
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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to rydoo.


Think your finance team is pretty tech-savvy? 

You might think that by using prepaid cards, coding your spreadsheets and using one or two cloud-based solutions make your company pretty tech-savvy, but the truth is that you might be a "digital baby" among "tech adults" in the market.

Take 4 minutes out of your day to find out if you are ahead of the curve or behind your competition.

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What does the future hold for business travel after Covid-19? 

The status quo of normality is changing in front of our eyes. In the upcoming years, video conference and expense management tools will be more used than ever, technology will play a big role in business travel and an existential crisis will be faced. 

Prepare yourself for the future, discover how our attitudes will change.

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How are British companies spending their T&E Budget?

What''s the average length of a business trip for British companies? What about the most visited destinations and most commonly used airlines by executives?

Discover the answer to these and many other questions on how companies based in the United Kingdom are spending their travel and expense budget.

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A bright future ahead for domestic travel

Everyone is talking about a "new normal" being established, but no one really knows what it means.

We can''t predict the future, but we can always take a look into behaviour trends from former crises and identify what is likely to lie ahead - and we can expect domestic travel to enter a real period of bliss.

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     Free Ebook

  • How businesses'' attitudes to travel will change 
  • An exclusive interview about the future of Travel & Expense with Rydoo''s CEO
  • How a corporate booking tool can help to travel less, but better  


Available in English, French, German,  Portuguese and Spanish.

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Comment by: admin
Comment on: 01/09/2020