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Recently, I read in the Columbia Law School's Blue Sky blog:

How different is private equity from Berkshire Hathaway? The phrase “private equity” has a certain ring to it, suggesting providing shareholder capital to buy and hold businesses. In fact, most private equity firms use substantial debt to acquire companies, charge considerable fees to restructure them, and finally flip them as rapidly as possible, often to public capital markets.

Berkshire’s approach sounds more like what the phrase private equity connotes: regularly buying companies using solely its own capital, which includes leverage from insurance float but never debt, and holding subsidiaries permanently while giving managers free autonomy rather than costly advice.

Buffett has been criticizing private equity for decades, but essentially he does the same: by taking control of undermanaged assets and improving them. . . . The fact that management buyouts achieved much the same kind of result was lost. In truth, private equity is a diverse industry with a wide range of styles, strategies, and results. True, leverage is a common source of acquisition financing, but sometimes no greater than that used by corporate buyers in strategic acquisitions. Examined this way, Berkshire is at one extreme and well-known private equity firms reside along a continuum, with a few of the most prominent industry leaders at the other pole, the opposite of Berkshire with its evergreen structure and fees in the P&L statement.

Have a nice Weekend!
Maurice Pedergnana




SECA Training Romandie

La SECA (Swiss Private Equity and Corporate Finance Association) et France Invest s'associent pour proposer un cycle de formations en fran?ais facilitant la mont?e en comp?tences des professionnels int?ress?s par le capital-investissement (private equity) en Romandie. Nous offrons aux membres et non-membres un cycle de sept formations con?ues pour un large public, allant des nouveaux entrants dans les m?tiers du private equity aux pro-fessionnels plus ?tablis, mais aussi aux charg?s d'affaires et acteurs du middle et du back office souhaitant approfondir leurs connaissances, professionnels de la finance, de la banque, des assurances et des caisses de retraites.


 Informations compl?mentaires et inscription

3. SECA Workshop Venture Capital

Bitte beachten Sie, dass der 3. SECA Workshop Venture Capital auf Grund der aktuellen Lage in den Herbst 2020 oder Fr?hling 2021 verschoben wird. Die neuen Daten werden so bald wie m?glich bekannt gegeben.

Wir zeigen auf, was Venture Capital im Unterschied zu anderen Assetklassen ist, welche M?rkte es gibt, wie Venture Capital funktioniert, welches die wichtigsten Marktplayer und deren Gesch?ftsmodelle sind, wie VC reguliert ist, welche Gr?nde f?r Venture Capital sprechen, wie ein Investor investieren kann und was die Erfolgsfaktoren f?r Investments sind. Neben diesen Themen d?rfen Erfolgsgeschichten aus der j?ngsten Vergangenheit aus den Bereichen Innovation, Unternehmertum und Venture Capital nicht fehlen. Zur Verkn?pfung von Theorie und Praxis gestalten namhafte Referenten aus der Industrie sowie aus der Forschung und Entwicklung den Workshop mit.

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SECA Seminar: Private Markets

Diverse Daten - Bern, Genf, Rotkreuz, Z?rich

Institutionelle Investoren k?nnen Private Markets nutzen, um ihre Rendite zu steigern und durch zus?tzliche Diversifikation ihr Risiko zu optimieren. Doch wie funktionieren Investitionen in Privatmarktanlagen? Das SECA Seminar gibt einen Einblick in diese breite, vielf?ltige Anlageklasse.

Sollte es zu gegebener Zeit nicht m?glich sein, das Seminar physisch anzubieten, werden wir ein verk?rztes Webinar durchf?hren.


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SECA fragt nach…

Entrepreneur and ETH Zurich researcher Etienne Jeoffroy and his co-founders want to accelerate CO2 reduction in the built environment. With the ETH spin-off FenX, which won the Swiss Technology Award 2019, they aim to push the building sector towards more sustainable practices. FenX transforms industrial waste into a porous, non-flammable foam suitable for building insulation. The production process is energy-efficient and the insulation panels are reusable. Etienne Jeoffroy is the recipient of a Pioneer Fellowship. With this programme, ETH supports entrepreneurially ambitious researchers in their efforts to spin out their technology to society as marketable products and services. The programme is partly financed by donors to the ETH Foundation. Etienne Jeoffroy talks about his journey from scientist to entrepreneur.

  • How did FenX come about?
  • What kind of challenges did you face when starting your spin-off?
  • What does the future hold?
 read the answers

Invest Europe - Newsletter

Honoring our commitment, this week we have opened up all member-only content on our website to your portfolio companies. They can access information updated daily on EU and national level financial support actions. Along with you, their investors, they can benefit from Invest Europe's knowledge hub, including insights on ongoing policy issues, research on investment trends and information on our 650 members.

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Venture Capital


Coronavirus: Innovative Startups erhalten erg?nzende Unterst?tzung des Bundes

Innovative Startups sind ein wichtiger Erfolgsfaktor der schweizerischen Wirtschaft. Bisher konnten Startups jedoch nur sehr eingeschr?nkt oder gar nicht auf die bestehenden Notmassnahmen des Bundes zur?ckgreifen. In Erg?nzung der Covid-19-Kredite des Bundes und kantonaler Unterst?tzungsmassnahmen will der Bund deshalb aussichtsreiche Startups mithilfe des B?rgschaftswesens vor einer Corona-bedingten Insolvenz bewahren.

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20 Million USD for Global-First Startups - Minimalist C?dric Waldburger's New Venture Capital Fund

C?dric Waldburger has more than twelve years of experience working with decentralized teams. He announced his new venture fund which invests in companies that think and work globally from the start. For the last decade, C?dric has workedremotely, has started a company that works completely without an office and has co-founded DFINITY, the Silicon Valley unicorn that develops the decentralized internet. With Tomahawk.VC, the serial entrepreneur and angel investor starts a decentralized venture capital firm without an office, that focuses on global-first companies.

 press release

EY Start-up-Barometer Europa 2019

Nach einem Finanzierungsrekord im vergangenen Jahr ist aufgrund der aktuellen Corona-Krise f?r das Jahr 2020 nun ein massiver Einbruch bei Start-up-Finanzierungen zu erwarten. 2019 stieg der Gesamtwert der Start-up-Finanzierungen in Europa im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 46 Prozent auf 31,1 Milliarden Euro. Die Zahl der Finanzierungsrunden legte allerdings nur um ein Prozent auf 4.246 zu.

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Less money from business angels

The Swiss ICT Investor Club SICTIC and Business Angels Switzerland (BAS) conducted a survey among active business angels. Times are getting harder for start-ups, especially for those looking for new investors.


The investiere Portfolio: How are our startups doing?

How hard has COVID-19 hit our startups? With over 80 investments across different sectors and countries, our portfolio might give an indication of the impact on the European tech landscape as a whole. While some companies are hit hard,  there are also very positive stories to be told. One thing has been made painfully clear: If you invest in startups, you should diversify.

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Startup Report Austria 2019

Es besteht wohl kein Zweifel dar?ber, dass das Jahr 2020 f?r die Startupszene aufgrund der aktuellen Entwicklungen rund um das Coronavirus hart wird. Doch schon im Jahr 2019 waren die Investments in ?sterreichische Startups r?ckl?ufig – das geht aus dem Startup Report Austria hervor, der jedes Jahr von Florian Kandler erstellt wird. Die Aussage des Reports steht im Gegensatz zu anderen Berichten ?ber die ?sterreichische F?rderlandschaft, die Anfang 2019 erschienen sind.

 Download the Startup Report Austria

btov Newsletter: April 2020

Read the latest news from btov in their Newsletter April 2020.

 btov Newsletter April 2020

Microcaps gewinnt ZKB Pionierpreis Technopark 2020

Das Start-up sorgt daf?r, dass Medikamente kontrollierter wirken und Nebenwirkungen verringert werden. Sie sorgt daf?r, dass Medikamente kontrollierter wirken und Nebenwirkungen verringert werden – die Microcaps AG aus Z?rich. Mit ihrem neuen Verfahren zur Herstellung von Mikrokapseln ?berzeugte das Jungunternehmen die Jury und gewinnt den mit 98'696.04 Franken (10000 x Pi im Quadrat) Franken dotierten ZKB Pionierpreis Technopark 2020, einen der wichtigsten Innovationspreise f?r Start-Ups in der Schweiz.

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COVID-19 Update – Venture Capital and Private Equity: Support measures for startups announced by the Swiss federal government

On 22 April 2020, the Swiss Federal Council announced financial support measures for startup companies to help them mitigate the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. With the new support measures, the Swiss Federal Council sent a clear signal of the government's intention to help promising startups to survive the current crisis and to preserve the innovative capacity and long-term value of the Swiss startup ecosystem as a whole.

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From Alibaba to Zynga: 40 Of The Best VC Bets Of All Time And What We Can Learn From Them - CB Insights Research

These venture bets on startups that "returned the fund," making firms and careers, were the result of research, strong convictions, and patient follow-through. Here are the stories behind the biggest VC home runs of all time.

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10 Gewinner des Venture Leaders Life Sciences-Programms bereiten sich auf den Auftritt auf der globalen B?hne vor

Aus ?ber 60 Bewerbern aus der ganzen Schweiz wurden zehn neue Startups f?r das Venture Leaders Life Sciences-Programm ausgew?hlt. Die Gewinner werden am 15. September 2020 am Swiss Biotech Day gefeiert. F?r November 2020 ist f?r die Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer, dem Schweizer Startup-Nationalteam, eine einw?chige US-Roadshow in Boston geplant.


The Q1 2020 Global VC Report: Funding Slowly Impacted By Coronavirus

Chronologically, the first quarter of 2020 began just over three months ago. But psychologically, it feels like a lifetime ago. The New Year rolled in with bullish expectations for startup investment across much of the globe. Now, consensus is we're in for a protracted decline.

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Spicehaus investiert in AMNIS

Die digitale Transformation wird der grosse Gewinner dieser Krise sein. In diesem Kontext ist die j?ngste Investition des Spicehaus Swiss Venture Funds in AMNIS Treasury Services AG  zu sehen. Das ist eine Online-Plattform f?r Fremdw?hrungs-Transaktionen und Risikomanagement f?r KMU. Die Plattform ist so ausgerichtet, dass KMU ohne vertiefte Finanzkenntnisse einfach geplante Kosten und Zahlungseing?nge in Fremdw?hrungen steuern und absichern k?nnen. Das Gesch?ftsjahr 2019 war Cashflow-positiv und f?r 2020. Die Corona-Krise hat zu erh?hten Marktvolatilit?ten, insbesondere auch bei W?hrungen, gef?hrt, was KMUs vermehrt dazu zwingt, Margen und Risiken entsprechend abzusichern. Dieser Umstand d?rfte bei AMNIS zu zus?tzlich erh?htem Wachstum beitragen. Infolge der erh?hten Marktvolatilit?t war der M?rz 2020 ein Rekordmonat f?r AMNIS.

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Crypto Finance closed a USD 14.5m Series B round

Swiss holding company Crypto Finance AG has closed a USD 14.5m Series B funding round co-led by Swiss investor Rainer-Marc Frey, Beijing-based private equity firm Lingfeng Capital and joined by Hong Kong's QBN Capital. The round began in September 2019. Crypto Finance AG operates three subsidiaries including Crypto Fund AG, Crypto Broker AG and Crypto Storage AG. Brzezek said the Series B funds will be used to fulfill capital requirements for obtaining a broker-dealer license from the Swiss financial regulator FINMA for Crypto Broker AG. Sister-firm Crypto Fund AG received its FINMA license in October 2018.


Taxfix Raises A $65 Million Series C Round

Taxfix raised USD 65m. The Series C round was led by Geneva-based Index Ventures and existing investors Valar Ventures, Creandum and Zurich-based Redalpine (Redalpine Capital III) participated in the round. Since its launch, Taxfix has helped collect € 270m for users. Many of them would never have bothered to file a tax return before. However, the digital tax app reduces the painful and time-consuming process of filing a tax return to a matter of minutes by simulating a conversation with a friendly tax accountant.

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Influence of Coronavirus Already Noticeable in Investments in Swiss Startups in Q1 2020

Swiss venture capital investments in Q1 2020 decreased by CHF 100 million compared to Q1 2019. The unpredictability of the coronavirus and its impact on the economy and the restraint of investors present startups with a difficult outlook.

 Swiss Venture Insights Report Q1 2020

Weniger Firmengr?ndungen in der Schweiz - Analyse Schweizer Gr?ndungsaktivit?ten im Zeichen des Lockdowns

Der Corona-Ausnahmezustand trifft die Wirtschaft hart. Auch die nationale Gr?ndungsszene ist betroffen. W?hrend der Februar 2020 noch als gr?ndungsst?rkster Monat seit Existenz des schweizerischen Handelsregisters in die Geschichte einging, bringen die Corona-Massnahmen einen R?ckgang der Neugr?ndungen in der Schweiz mit sich. Die tagesaktuelle, nationale Analyse des IFJ Institut f?r Jungunternehmen zeigt, dass der Monat April 2020 mit 2'721 Neugr?ndungen der gr?ndungsschw?chste Monat in den letzten 10 Jahren ist. Trotz des stark reduzierten Aprils verzeichnet die Schweiz im ersten Trimester 2020 den f?nfth?chsten Wert der letzten zehn Jahre. In den ersten vier Monaten wurden 14'079 neue Firmen gegr?ndet.


Private Equity – Swiss News


Swiss Biotech Report 2020 highlights continued sector growth

Over CHF 1 billion raised for private and public companies - Gene therapy, AI and advanced biologics manufacturing emerging as additional strengths - Licensing deals and collaborations boost revenues - Swiss biotech ecosystem becomes even more diverse.

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IDAK HOLDING AG, die Muttergesellschaft der K?hl- und Tiefk?hlproduzentin KADI AG, hat die Mehrheit an der in Italien ans?ssigen Premium Pizza Manufaktur Margherita Srl erworben. Es handelt sich beim Zukauf um eine strategische Initiative. Diese sichert weiterhin die Unabh?ngigkeit von KADI AG und hilft Margherita Srl zu wachsen. Weder Mitarbeitende, Kunden, Lieferanten noch die jeweiligen Standorte der beiden Unternehmungen werden von diesem Zukauf tangiert.

 press release

Synergien in der Veredelung von Oberfl?chen

CGS legt mit zwei Akquisitionen den Grundstein zur Hummingbird Converting Solutions Gruppe, einem f?hrenden Druckmaschinenhersteller f?r die Dekor- und Verpackungsindustrie. Dank technologischem Vorsprung ist die Gruppe optimal f?r die Zukunft aufgestellt.

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ESG and Private Markets: Beware What You Wish For

The Editorial of the Wellershoff & Partners Ltd. latest Private Markets Perspectives is exceptionally made available for free, to give you a taste of the critical content.

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Quaero Capital private equity Infrastructure

Quaero Capital launched its second infrastructure fund in July 2019 with a view to target equity investment in infrastructure projects across Europe. They are targeting a fund size of EUR 500m and they already raised more than EUR 430m of commitments from European Institutional investors. In terms of investment they committed about 30% of the fund so far. Geneva- and Zurich-based Quaero Capital has a good track record regarding performance. They raised EUR 250m for their first fund, which is now fully invested and have a TVPI of more than 110 as at 31/12/19. They expect to be in the upper range of our target 9-11% net IRR.  Our portfolio is made of essential infrastructure not exposed to demand risk.  We have invested in telecoms (optic fiber networks), Renewables (more than 120MW of wind farms), water assets and social infrastructure (PPP for hospital and university). We target both greenfield and brownfield assets.


Private Equity – Int. News


Trialbee Secures €11 million in Funding to Scale Digital Patient Trial Recruitment and Engagement Solutions

Investment led by MTIP enables the company to expand its product development to meet the growing demand for patient-centric technology solutions in clinical trials.

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Swiss AlgoTrader AG among the Top 100 WealthTech companies globally

As the leading Swiss platform services provider for fully-integrated and automated quantitative trading and trade execution, for both traditional and digital assets, we are pleased to be among the TOP 100 WealthTech companies 2020 from across the globe.

 Download the Top 100 WealthTech 2020 companies ranking here

EQT stable

EQT has released an update on period end AUM as of March 31 2020. AUM stood at EUR 40bn vs EUR 39.9bn at the end of 2019. Investment performance remains solid, despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 outbreak, with returns across key funds expected either to be in line or exceed management's expectations, though some exits may be delayed. Still expect hard cap of EUR 15bn of EQT IX but timing or raising could take longer given impact of COVID-19 and also carried interest likely to be impacted, with FY20 company compiled consensus of EUR 77m.

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AVCO Newsletter April 2020

Die AVCO als Dachverband der ?sterreichischen Private Equity und Venture Capital Industrie publiziert unter anderem auch einen regelm?ssigen Newsletter.

 AVCO Newsletter April 2020

Fontavis erwirbt norwegisches Kleinwasserkraft-Portfolio von OBOS

Ein von Fontavis verwalteter Fonds erwirbt 100% von OBOS Energi AS, einem Entwickler und Eigent?mer von Kleinwasserkraftwerken, die sich haupts?chlich im S?dwesten Norwegens befinden. Das akquirierte Portfolio besteht aus 10 operativen sowie 6 sich im Bau befindlichen Kraftwerken, die j?hrlich 333 GWh erzeugen. Die Transaktion umfasst eine umfangreiche Projektpipeline, die in den n?chsten Jahren durch die bestehende Gesellschaft entwickelt wird. Als Teil der Transaktion wird OBOS Energi AS mit sofortiger Wirkung in FORTE Vannkraft AS umbenannt.


KKR expands European logistics presence with Mirastar stake buy

KKR has expanded its presence in the European logistics real estate sector with the acquisition of a stake in a platform backed by M7 Real Estate. Through a European real estate fund, KKR has invested an undisclosed amount to buy the strategic stake in Mirastar from M7. Mirastar was established in 2019 as a joint venture between co-founders Ekaterina Avdonina, CEO and Anthony Butler, CIO and M7. It will be the primary platform for industrial and logistics real estate transactions in Europe for KKR, which over the last 24 months acquired assets across France, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and Ireland.

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DC Advisory's European Mid-Market Private Equity Round-Up

DC Advisory's European Financial Sponsors team reviews the short-term impact of Covid-19 on the PE market. In this edition of the European Mid-Market Private Equity round-up, they explore:

  • The impact of Covid-19 on European deal flow
  • Emerging trends & sector by sector investment update
  • Existing short, medium & long-term views for lenders

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COVID-19 is set to turn European PE upside down

As the coronavirus outbreak went global during March, European nations such as Italy, France and Spain were initially among those hit hardest. As a result, several countries in the region have already entered sudden recessions. In the months to come, private equity firms may be among those feeling the economic pain.

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BlackRock with a large global energy and power infrastructure fund

BlackRock has raised USD 5.1bn for its third global energy and power infrastructure fund. The manager said the amount raised by the Global Energy & Power Infrastructure Fund III (GEPIF III) fund at the final close – the largest alternative investment fundraise in BlackRock history – surpassed both the original target of USD 3.5bn and the original hard cap of USD 4.5bn. BlackRock said the fund's commitments include investment mandates from over 50 institutional investors, including public and private pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, foundations, insurance companies and non-profit organizations across the US, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Over 70% of the commitments are from investors in the prior fund.

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CVC Capital could collect USD 22B for its eighth flagship fund

The eye-popping buyout funds keep coming. The latest example is from CVC Capital Partners, which aims to raise between EUR 17bn and EUR 20bn for its eighth flagship fund. The firm closed its previous vehicle in the series on EUR 16bn in 2017. During each of the past two years, more than half of all capital collected for PE vehicles was tied up in mega funds with USD 5bn or more in commitments, the highest rates on record.


Carlyle with Dry Powder

The Carlyle Group reported a loss, but the global investment firm is in a position to take advantage of opportunities created by Covid-19. Carlyle has USD 74bn of dry powder to put to work. It also has USD 1bn of cash on its balance sheet and USD 525m in revolving credit it can tap, said Glenn Youngkin, co-CEO, on a call to discuss the firm's first-quarter earnings.

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Losses in the private markets

Losses have been common in the asset management industry during this reporting cycle due to the coronavirus pandemic. Carlyle reported a loss of USD 612m. Earlier this week, the Blackstone Group reported a net loss of USD 1.07bn. Apollo's total AUM fell by roughly USD 15bn to USD 315.5bn due to unrealized market losses, despite net inflows of USD 7.3bn during the quarter.

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Corporate Finance


IPO-Newsletter Q1 2020

W?hrend in der Schweiz noch zu Beginn des Jahres mit einer vergleichbaren Anzahl IPOs wie 2019 gerechnet werden konnte, ist inzwischen eine durch die Ausbreitung des Coronavirus bedingte Verschlechterung des Marktumfelds eingetreten. Insbesondere die erh?hte Unsicherheit sowie die gestiegene Volatilit?t erschweren derzeit den Weg an die B?rse, sodass die Durchf?hrung von IPOs bis auf Weiteres schwierig bleiben d?rfte. Dr. Andreas Neumann, Leiter Equity Capital Markets bei der Z?rcher Kantonalbank geht jedoch davon aus, dass Spin-offs ungeachtet des Marktumfelds zu erwarten sind. Abzuwarten bleibt, ob sich das IPO-Fenster in der zweiten Jahresh?lfte wieder ?ffnen wird.

 ZKB IPO Newsletter Q1 2020

Studie zur ESG-Berichterstattung Schweiz

Diese Studie der SMI Expanded Unternehmen geht der Frage nach, wie die Nachhaltigkeits-berichterstattung in den gr?ssten Schweizer Unternehmenbereits verankert und ausgestaltet ist. Sie gibt erste Hinweise darauf, ob und wie das Thema in Zusammenhang mit der gegenw?rtigen Covid-19-Krise an Bedeutung gewinnen oder verlieren wird.

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Valuation Market Essentials Switzerland / Practitioner's Guide to Cost of Capital & WACC calculation

Ernst & Young AG is pleased to announce the Q1 2020 edition of the EY Valuation Market Essentials, the publication with relevant market data for Switzerland, incl. analyses for the banking and insurance industry.

 EY Valuation Market Essentials

Mergers & Acquisitions


Swisscanto-PFS deal to create CHF15bn provider

Z?rcher Kantonalbank is selling Swisscanto Vorsorge's second pillar pensions administration business to PFS Pension Fund Services in a deal that will create a CHF 15bn (EUR 14bn) provider. Z?rcher Kantonalbank is taking a 20% stake in PFS and “will remain closely connected to the business,” it said. In a statement, the two parties said the combination of the businesses would allow for benefits of scale. The combined business would have around 80 employees and 60 pension provider clients with CHF 15bn AuM.

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If you are interested please send an e-mail with your job ad, the company logo and a short description about the Job and/or the Company to

  • for SECA Full Members
    free of charge
  • for SECA Associate and Individual Members
    CHF 100.- / 2 editions
  • for Non-Members CHF 200.- / 2 Weeks



Strategies of LPs Going Forward

Wednesday, 27 May 2020, Webinar

In a series of webinars, we examine how COVID-19 is affecting private equity investors. This webinar will take a deep dive on how the current pandemic is affecting Limited Partners and what will be their strategies going forward.

 more information and registration

Startup Konferenz 2020 - What about Compliance?

Erfolgreiche Gr?nder/innen geben Praxistipps und teilen ihre Herausforderungen im Bereich Compliance bei der Gr?ndung oder Aufbau ihres Unternehmens. Zudem pitchen Anbieter von digitalen Services, Rechtsberater/innen und Finanzierungsprogramme zu Compliance Themen.

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Private Debt Germany Forum 2020

8 & 9 October 2020, M?nchen

We are delighted to be partnering with the leading regional conference focused on private debt investment for investors in the DACH region and wider Europe, the PDI Germany Forum, on 8-9 October in Munich. SECA members save 10% by using the exclusive discount code Germany20-SECA.

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Investor Summit Liechtenstein 2020

25. November 2020, Schaan

Der Investor Summit Liechtenstein vernetzt seit zehn Jahren Investoren und Entscheidungstr?ger mit innovativen Startups und Wachstumsunternehmen. Die n?chste Ausgabe am 25. November 2020 bietet zwei Top-Speaker: Der bekannte Investor Carsten Maschmeyer, Gesch?ftsf?hrer der Maschmeyer Group und Mentor in der TV-Sendung „H?hle der L?wen“, und S.D. Prinz Max von und zu Liechtenstein, CEO der LGT Group, geben exklusive Einblicke in ihre Investmentt?tigkeit.

Der Ticketpreis betr?gt 290 Franken. Early-Bird-Tickets sind bis zum 31. Mai zum Preis von 230 Franken erh?ltlich (begrenztes Angebot).

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Swiss Private Equity Conference

2 December 2020, Z?rich

The 10th Anniversary of the Swiss Private Equity Conference provides the most unrivalled networking opportunities in the Swiss Private Equity market. On May 14th, 2020, Limited Partners, General Partners and CxOs will meet in Zurich for a day focused on deal origination. Join us and meet the top of the private equity community. Our network has access to an exclusive promotional code SECA_Loyalty for you to secure your ticket at a 20% discount. For more information, please contact

 more information and registration

Upcoming SECA Events - save the date

  • Private Markets & Cryptovalley
    October 2020
  • SECA Evening Event – VC's on Stage (D/E)
    Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2020, Z?rich

SECA Education

  • SECA Trainings Romandie (F)
    Cycle de sept formations, ISFB, Carouge
  • SECA Seminare/Webinare: Private Markets
    ?Diverse Daten Bern, Genf, Rotkreuz, Z?rich
  • 3. SECA Workshop Venture Capital (D)
    Herbst 20 oder Fr?hling 21, Niederer Kraft Frey, Z?rich
  • 9. SECA Private Equity Workshop
    6./7. & 20. November 2020, Z?rich

More information will follow in due time. Please see also on - Events.





SECA eNewsletter is a free online newsletter published by Maurice Pedergnana, Managing Director of the SECA Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association, received by more than 3'000 email addresses. More information: or +41 41 757 67 77 (Andrea Villiger). The eNewsletter archive service is available only for SECA members.


© 2020 SECA

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