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Sell A Door Sign Up Information

Last Updated:
7/2/2020 4
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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Sell A Door.

Hi Oliver,

Imagine having the power to model your customer support tool like a sculptor who creates a piece of art! You’re in full control of every process going on in your software, everything can be managed or changed in a few simple gestures.

Well, that’s what the new HelpCrunch APIs and Webhooks do — make HelpCrunch as adaptive and yielding as possible.

It''s a great pleasure to announce that we''ve just released our advanced renewed REST API with major improvements and extended functionality. Moreover, you can now use the Webhooks to integrate HelpCrunch with third-party platforms and receive updates on your chats and customers in real time.


We have significantly expanded the capabilities of the HelpCrunch API. For instance, it now has a powerful search for customers, as well as separate methods to append and remove tags. Besides, you can control your chats, messages, agents, departments, and applications via the corresponding methods.

Important! We plan to discontinue the previous version of the HelpCrunch API in 90 days on March 10, 2021. Please switch to the new API within three months by following the migration guide here. Make sure to use the new API key as the Legacy API key is not supported. You can get your new API key in Settings -> Developers -> Public API.

?? Webhooks

From now on, you can get real-time updates on your chats and customers with the help of our brand new Webhooks

This means there’s no need to make hundreds of calls to the REST API to pull the necessary information when you need it. Webhooks will deliver all the info immediately to your endpoint. This way, you can reduce the number of requests to the REST API and stay within the API limits.

This was as short an introduction to our new capabilities as possible. You can now run your support like a well-oiled machine and integrate HelpCrunch with any third-party solution. If you need more information, just book a demo with our onboarding specialist.


Content marketing manager @ HelpCrunch

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