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St Kitts Tourism Sign Up Information

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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to St Kitts Tourism.

St. Kitts reports no damage by Potential Tropical Cyclone #9
St. Kitts is Undamaged by
Potential Tropical Cyclone #9
St. Kitts and Nevis are pleased to report that both islands did not sustain any injuries to persons or loss of life as a result of the passage of Potential Tropical Cyclone #9 approximately 123 miles to its south-southwest yesterday. The disturbance herein referred to as Potential Tropical Cyclone #9 has since been upgraded to Tropical Storm Isaias.

As a safety precaution, all non-essential businesses closed yesterday but reopened today, July 30, 2020. This includes banks, supermarkets, pharmacies and other businesses. As of 5:00 p.m. July 29, 2020, all tropical storm watches and warnings for the Federation were discontinued. Currently, a small craft warning remains in effect due to rough sea conditions.

Due to high winds with maximum sustained gusts up to 46 mph, in some locations there are tree branches, debris and, in some locations, electric services were disrupted. Power in all areas has now been restored. There were no disruptions to water services or phone/cable/internet/wi-fi services by providers FLOW or Digicel. Services by The Cable cable/internet/wi-fi provider that were disrupted by loss of electrical power are up and running.

As of 9:00 p.m. July 29, 2020, the National Emergency Management Operations were deactivated.

St. Kitts' Robert L. Bradshaw International Airport (SKB), Port Zante, and marinas have been closed to international commercial traffic since the closure of the Federation's borders on March 25, 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For more information about St. Kitts, visit
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St. Kitts Tourism Authority
P.O. Box 132 Pelican Mall, Bay Road
Basseterre, St. Kitts - Eastern Caribbean
Phone: (869) 465-4040
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St. Kitts Tourism Authority · P.O. Box 132 · Pelican Mall · Basseterre · Saint Kitts and Nevis