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Synchronicity Earth Stories: Our latest news

We address overlooked and underfunded conservation challenges for globally threatened species and ecosystems.
''Hidden Treasure'', by Dr Susy Paisley

If we''ve learnt anything this year, it is that we cannot take our relationship with nature for granted. What we are doing to nature, we are doing to ourselves: when nature suffers, we suffer.

In her reflection on how we grieve for the natural world, our CEO Kirsty Schneeberger shared the thought that ''Grief is just love with nowhere to go''. So how can we channel that love into action to protect and restore nature? In our third Deeper Thinking series webinar on the challenge of building a groundswell movement for biodiversity, Tom Rivett-Carnac shared some simple, but powerful ideas on how we can all take action: there are three things we can do right now if we want to channel our grief for the natural world: Show up, act on our own footprint and engage with power. Watch the webinar here.

Meanwhile, our work continues. We hear from Pria Ghosh about the deadly pandemic afflicting the world''s amphibians, take a walk in the forest with Sophie Grange-Chamfray, our Knowledge and Learning Manager and find out about an exciting new partnership with Waterbear, a new interactive film streaming platform dedicated to the future of our planet.

If you''ve taken time to read our news over the year, we hope it has piqued your interest and maybe even provided a little joy in what has been - by any standards - a challenging year. Thank you for reading, and have a peaceful and safe end of year. See you in 2021!

Beyond Carbon: Nature''s big moment

For the third in our series of Deeper Thinking webinars we had the privilege of listening to Tom Rivett-Carnac, who has been a leading figure in developing mainstream action on climate change. We wanted to draw on Tom's expertise in the climate world and ask what can be done to help create a groundswell of support to address biodiversity loss, a less talked about - but equally urgent - ecological crisis. To watch the webinar, click on the link below:

How do we grieve for our natural world?

In this piece, Synchronicity Earth CEO, Kirsty Schneeberger, reflects on the notion of grieving for nature and how 2020 has brought sadness and pain, but also a chance to reflect on our relationships, with each other and with the natural world.
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Confronting chytrid: the fight to save the world''s amphibians

In the 20th century, a new infectious disease emerged and caused an unprecedented environmental catastrophe. Chytridiomycosis, a fungal skin infection, has compounded an amphibian extinction crisis driven by habitat loss, overharvesting and pollution, resulting in 40 per cent of amphibians being threatened with extinction. 

Amphibians are a vast and ancient branch of the tree of life; they're stunningly beautiful, biologically fascinating, and diverse in their behaviour, their appearance and their appeal. In this article, Pria Ghosh looks at how we can address the challenge of chytrid and avoid consigning this broad and wonderful swathe of existence to a 'no hope' pile.
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Guardians of nature in the Congo Basin

"Walks in the forest always have an incredibly peaceful and refreshing effect on my mind. When I was a child, I learnt how to identify wildlife species and track their signs with my dad - patience and observation were the key to seeing a roe deer or a pine marten. And what a magical moment and privilege to witness a beautiful animal for a few seconds before it disappears under the protective shelter of its forest!"

Sophie Grange-Chamfray, Knowledge & Learning Manager at Synchronicity Earth, dives into the importance of local communities and Indigenous Peoples as guardians of nature.
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The first interactive streaming platform dedicated to the future of our planet. WaterBear provides access to award-winning content that can empower you to dive deeper, learn more and take action. There''s some brilliant content on the platform and it''s all completely free! Make sure you sign up..

We''re thrilled to be among the first wave of partners to get on board and we''re looking forward to partnering with Waterbear to bring some of the stories of our partners to life with the help of their brilliant film-making team. Watch this space!

To find our more about our work, visit our website:

You can also Contact Us for more information about any aspect of what we do. We look forward to hearing from you!
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Comment on: 01/09/2020