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Tea Party Express Sign Up Information

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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Tea Party Express.


Dear Fellow Conservative –

I know that you were as disgusted as I was to see Nancy Pelosi tear up President Trump’s State of the Union speech. Right there on national TV and only arm’s length away from our President, she embarrassed herself and showed Americans how bitter she and the Democrats have become.


We recently celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the Tea Party movement. Remember how we started with a bang in 2009 with huge tea party rallies all across the country that inspired millions of Americans to get off their couches and into the political arena?  We shocked the establishment, both Democrat and Republican, with resounding votes for conservatives.

We not only ripped the gavel away from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, but we won thousands of seats at the state and local level, too. Then, it is indisputable that one of the greatest accomplishments of this patriots' movement has been to help elect President Donald Trump. Studies have shown that the Tea Party movement played a pivotal role in helping President Trump overcome the establishment, which at the time vehemently opposed Trump's candidacy.

Unfortunately, as we took two steps forward in taking and holding the United States Senate, helping President Trump confirm hundreds of conservative federal judges, including TWO GREAT SUPREME COURT JUSTICES Kavanagh and Gorsuch, we ended up losing the House and being stuck with Speaker Nancy Pelosi again.

Her despicable and childish TV stunt of ripping apart the President's speech will be a wake-up call to Americans that we have to get back out and rip the gavel away from Nancy Pelosi one final time.

We need your immediate assistance in the form of a financial contribution to our campaign to win back at least 20 House seats so conservatives can be back in the driver’s seat. Just think about what it would mean for President Trump and his agenda.

No more worthless investigations and non-stop efforts to impeach our President. They are not going to stop unless we defeat them at the polls. It is a tall order, but Pelosi has given us a great opening with her outrageous behavior.

Today, we are facing an awesome challenge. We must defeat these far-left Democrats who are running in 2020 and put an end to all of this impeachment nonsense. And while we are at it, keep getting conservatives engaged for the epic battle to re-elect President Trump.

Can I count on your support for our President? You were with us when we faced the Left, the Democratic Party, the media - and even the GOP establishment. Now we need your support once more, and I am asking you to make a contribution today so we can give President Trump the votes to continue Making America Great Again.


Thank you so much for your continued support of our great patriots' movement, and for your strong support of President Trump. 

With Gratitude,

Sal Russo
Co-Founder/Chief Strategist
Tea Party Express 


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Comment on: 01/09/2020