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Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to The Whole Journey.

The Whole Journey

Hi, Elijah.

If it's not too personal, I'm wondering how many people close to you currently have or have had cancer?

I currently have a close neighbor friend with Stage 4 lung, bone, and thyroid cancer, another neighbor with colon cancer, a dear childhood friend who's my age with triple negative ductal carcinoma (breast cancer), and a close friend's mother also with Stage 4 cancer.

My uncle died at the end of 2018 at the age of 65 from colon cancer.

And then there's my mom who beat Stage 2 breast cancer 8 years ago.

Honestly, we all know at least one and usually more people dealing with cancer.

No disease on the planet affects more people, gets more attention or creates more emotion than Cancer.

We have to work together to understand the root cause of it and how we can prevent it and assist with the treatment of it using diet, lifestyle, detoxification & cellular rejuvenation methods, stress management, and appropriate self care.

Cancer is big business in the U.S. and the pharma companies benefit tremendously from it. My neighbor's medication is $15,000 per month.

There are also a myriad of holistic protocols you can do from the comfort of your own home, truly nourishing and cleansing yourself to prevent and assist in the treatment of cancer that are a mere fraction of that cost which positively impact the way you feel immediately.

I am not saying NOT to get traditional medical treatment. I know it has saved millions of lives, but I do suggest weighing your options first and taking the power that you have available to you to learn and improve your diet, exercise, and lifestyle in highly customized ways that help your cells thrive by creating an enriched environment in which cancer cannot thrive.

That's why I'm sharing this FREE 9-part online docu-series with you today called The Answer to Cancer.

The Answer To Cancer
You Can Watch The Trailer Here

My colleague and long-time documentary filmmaker, Jeff Hayes produced this docu-series from his heart. It hits so close to home for him as he lost his mom to cancer at age 11. Then he had a child pass away from cancer at age 12.

As I said, no disease on the planet affects more people and the disease is only growing.

The Answer to Cancer delivers the WHOLE truth about cancer like never before.

Jeff is using his skillset and connection to the most brilliant minds in the health and wellness industry who are on the forefront of cancer treatment to help people STOP losing the people they love to this disease.

Please take the time to tune into this most important and life-changing online event and to share it with those you love.

Sign up here. You'll be so glad you did.

With gratitude,


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The Whole Journey
1084-B N El Camino Real #510
Encinitas, California 92024
United States

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Comment on: 01/09/2020