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Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Traidcraft Exchange.

Coronavirus features in the headlines of pretty much every newspaper globally right now.

The pandemic is taking up most of the news agenda, and rightly so.

But while we are so intently focused on this single issue, it's easy to lose sight of what else is happening - a fact that governments and big companies are taking advantage of.

The saying 'never let a good crisis go to waste' is great advice - if you want to push through laws which strip away workers' rights, avoid discussing the full consequences of your new trade deal, or quietly refuse to honour your payment contracts with garment factories.

There's rarely been a better time for exploitation.

Those in power know the world isn't watching - and they are taking advantage. But there's something you can do to help.

Right now, the UK's top trade negotiators are meeting with their counterparts from the US to sneak through a new trade deal.

This could have serious implications for the NHS, food standards (low-welfare chlorinated chicken for instance) and they're not even looking at the consequences it could have for poorer countries.

UK fast fashion brands are refusing to pay for orders to garment factories in countries like India and Bangladesh, leaving millions of workers to face starvation.

Meanwhile in India, labour laws are being eroded. In many states the minimum wage and working time directives have been scrapped. People are working longer hours, for less pay in more dangerous conditions as health and safety laws are relaxed.

We can't let coronavirus be used as a cover up.

With a whole generation of progress at stake - the time for action is now.
We need your support to hold big business and powerful politicians to account.  If we don't the most vulnerable won't recover.

We need your help.

Thanks to people like you, big fashion brands are already listening to our calls to honour their contracts and pay their workers. We've shown time and again that the government will pay attention when we put them under enough public pressure.

But big change, the kind that transforms the world, doesn't happen overnight.

It happens when many people take many actions and give many times to ensure that together we can create the kind of systemic change that protects people and planet for generations to come.

For the recovery effort to work, we need to push those in power to make the right decisions.

We need to ensure that this pandemic isn't used as a cover to sweep away hard-won freedoms, protections and rights for the most vulnerable.

That's what your support can do today.

We have a once-in-a-lifetime chance right now - to recover from this crisis and demand a fairer, better world.

Donations from people like you are vital, because they give Traidcraft Exchange the freedom to tackle the issues governments and big businesses really don't want us to.

It''s the commitment of people like you which enables us to hold the powerful to account - and that matters to us all.

Please give what you can today.

Copyright ? 2020 Traidcraft Exchange, All rights reserved.
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Traidcraft Exchange
5th Floor 7 - 15 Pink Lane
Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 5DW
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Comment by: admin
Comment on: 01/09/2020