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WWBT October Recap


Action at our center

We are proud of our WWBT base and all the ways it has been able to be utilized to address the current needs on the island. It has been a very exciting few weeks as?we?have resumed construction on?our dream use of the space: a sports and wellness center.?We are counting down the days?to open doors by?end of November!?Support the Center?and see more?photos of our progress here.


Diverse programming

Music, arts, karate, physical fitness,?soccer, talk and play therapy... and so much more. Our leader Stavros Mirogiannis has been on the ground working hard to build partnerships that can, collectively, provide camp residents with a?wide range of ways to improve their mental and physical health. Learn more about our programming? and partners.


Emergency distribution

Thank you to everyone who graciously contributed to our emergency fundraiser following the Moria fires. You really?stepped up in a time of great need. WWBT has been able to provide tents, sleeping bags, flashlights, dry foods, emergency medicine, shoes,?clothing, baby essentials?and cooking supplies. Our warehouse also served as an emergency shelter for hundreds of families and a temporary?distribution center for the Greek Red Cross.?


The fire''s aftermath

A devastating fire?destroyed Moria Refugee Camp September 9th leaving 13,000+ residents homeless. The new camp that replaced it has been dubbed "Moria 2.0". There are real concerns that this "temporary" camp and its terrible conditions will become permanent. The makeshift camp provides little to no resources and?inadequate?shelter?for this upcoming winter. Learn?more?here and here.

The affects of COVID-19 have been challenging around the world but we know, now more than ever, is a time to step up and show?solidarity and support across borders. We''re proud of our unwavering efforts and all that we are doing together. Thank you?for being a part of this team.

In solidarity and with love - Zo?, Xander + Stavros

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Comment on: 01/09/2020